Will You Teach Me?

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"I'm very sorry to hear about what happened at the Quidditch game," Professor Lupin said while walking into the woods with Oliver.

"Why are the Dementors affecting me so much?" Oliver questioned.

Lupin stopped in front of Oliver, his expression filled with understanding. "The Dementors are one of the most foul creatures in all the realm. They feed on every ounce of happiness and joy, leaving you with nothing but depression and despair. It's only natural that they affect you deeply. You are not weak, Oliver. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Oliver's eyes welled up with tears as he opened up to his professor. "I'm scared, Professor. I don't know how to deal with these overwhelming emotions."

Lupin placed a comforting hand on Oliver's shoulder, offering him solace. "Fear is a wise response, Oliver. It shows that you understand the gravity of the situation."

"I need to know how to fight them. You could teach me, right? I mean, you fought that one off on the train that night," Oliver said.

Lupin paused, studying Oliver's face before responding. "There was only one that night, fortunately," he said, his gaze reflecting a mixture of caution and understanding.

"You made it go away, though," Oliver persisted, his excitement growing.

Lupin chuckled softly, a warmth filling his eyes. "Well, I'm not going to pretend to be an expert, Oliver, but seeing as they have developed a particular interest in you, especially, perhaps I should teach you."

Oliver's heart swelled with gratitude and hope, a smile spreading across his face.

"But after the holidays. For now, I need rest," Lupin continued, his voice tinged with weariness.

Oliver's smile faltered slightly, concern replacing his enthusiasm. "Are you alright, Professor?"

"Yes, I am fine, just tired," Lupin replied with a weary smile.

Oliver's concern deepened as he saw the exhaustion etched on Lupin's face. "You've been fighting them for so long," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "You must be incredibly strong to endure it all."

Lupin's smile widened, gratitude sparkling in his eyes. "Strength comes in many different forms, Oliver, and yours lies in your unwavering determination. Your eagerness to learn how to fight against the Dementors is a testament to that."

Oliver blushed, feeling a surge of pride at Lupin's words. "Thank you, Professor. But I wouldn't be here without your guidance and support."

Lupin placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder, his touch comforting and reassuring. "Remember, Oliver, we are in this together. Facing the Dementors may seem daunting, but with knowledge and perseverance, we can find ways to protect ourselves and those we care about."

Oliver nodded, a new sense of resolve settling within him. "I won't give up, Professor."

The Prisoner Of Azkaban - Hermione Granger x OCWhere stories live. Discover now