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The day for all third years to go to Hogsmeade had finally arrived, and Oliver was initially hesitant to join, but Hermione's persuasive charms managed to convince him. She assured him that it would be a delightful experience and they would have a fantastic time together. Oliver couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness because Harry couldn't accompany them, as he unfortunately couldn't find a guardian to sign his permission slip.

As they made their way towards Hogsmeade, they decided to stop by the Three Broomsticks to enjoy some refreshing butterbeer. The moment the frothy beverage touched Oliver's lips, its delicious taste instantly brought a smile to his face. Glancing over at Hermione, he couldn't help but find her absolutely adorable, with a tiny cream moustache left behind after sipping her own butterbeer.

Ron eventually managed to convince them to visit Zonko's joke shop. Eagerly, they made their way through the bustling streets of Hogsmeade, their eyes glimmering with mischief as they entered the whimsical store. Shelves lined with colorful pranking supplies greeted their curious gazes.

Oliver's eyes widened as he laid his eyes on a collection of extendable ears, enchanted to pick up distant conversations. Immediately, an idea materialized in his mind. With a mischievous grin, he couldn't resist purchasing a pair for himself.

The trio made their way to the fence that bordered around Hogsmeade. Oliver, chewing on a piece of candy, couldn't help but laugh at a joke Ron had just cracked. As his laughter subsided, Oliver's eyes met Hermione's, and she gazed at him with a smile adorning her face, filled with genuine fondness.

"It's so wonderful to see you smiling again, Ollie," Hermione said affectionately, her voice carrying a genuine warmth.

Oliver's smile widened at her words, a sense of appreciation welling up inside him. With a grateful tone in his voice, he replied, "It truly feels good to have something to smile about, Hermione."

Their moment was interrupted by Ron pointing something out in the distance. "Isn't that the shrieking shack over there?" he said, pointing to a small shack in the distance.

Hermione chuckled, her eyes scanning the spooky-looking building. "It's rumored to be the most haunted place in all of Britain, isn't it? Or did I mention that already?" She added, playfully joining in the jest.

"Oh, at least twice," Oliver teased.

Curiosity tugged at Hermione, and she peered at Ron and Oliver expectantly. "So, do you two brave wizards want to venture a bit closer to the infamous Shrieking Shack?"

As Oliver and Ron exchanged glances, a shared unspoken understanding passed between them. Their matching expressions revealed a mixture of intrigue, trepidation, and the common sense to prioritize their safety.

After a moment, Ron broke the silence, offering a sheepish grin. "You know what, Hermione? I think we're quite content observing this haunted spectacle from a safe distance. No need to tempt fate, right?"

"Well, well, look who's here. Are you three shopping for your new dream home? A bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasley?" Draco Malfoy mocked, striding up to them with two Slytherin companions in tow.

Ron clenched his jaw, his gaze fixed on the ground, his frustration evident. "Shut your mouth, Malfoy," he retorted.

Malfoy's smug smile widened as he took a triumphant stance. "I think it's time we teach Weasley to respect his superiors," he sneered, relishing in his perceived superiority.

Oliver couldn't resist a chuckle, his amusement masking the growing irritation within him. Stepping confidently closer to Malfoy, Oliver locked eyes with the arrogant Slytherin. "I hope you don't mean yourself," he quipped.

"How dare you talk to me? You and your filthy little mudblood girlfriend there," Malfoy spat.

Oliver felt his body tense, his fist involuntarily clenching, ready to strike back. However, before he could act, a snowball collided with Malfoy's face, the impact leaving him momentarily stunned.

Confusion swept through the gathered students, their gazes darting around in search of the anonymous attacker. Just as they couldn't detect the source of the initial snowball, another one whizzed through the air, landing with precision on Malfoy's already snow-coated visage, causing him to stagger backward.

As the snowballs continued to pelt Malfoy, a chorus of laughter erupted from Oliver, Ron,and Hermione. Amidst the amusement, none of them could discover the mystery assailant hidden skillfully within the crowd.

"Let's get out of here," Malfoy cried out in fear.

As the trio continued to laugh, Ron and Hermione felt someone tugging on their hats.

"Harry," Hermione called out.

Harry emerged from underneath the invisibility cloak, joining in on the laughter. "I got them good, didn't I?"

"Probably for the best. I was about to punch his lights out," Oliver laughed.

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