Week 30 - The Quiet Sea

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Week Thirty - July 23rd - July 29th

Title: The Quiet Sea


Genre: Horror

Number of Chapters: 15

Completed? Yes

Link (Added as an in-line comment):


No one lives on the island anymore. But plagued by a lack of sleep and an unshakable feeling of wrongness, its last visitor begins to question whether they are really alone.

Goose's Thoughts:

It's week 30, we're speeding through the year, and this week we're stepping onto a creepy island that may, or may not, be trying to kill you.

For a story as short as this one, the tension and the fear is turned up to eleven almost immediately. Even in the first chapter, when our unnamed MC steps onto this mysterious island, we get a taste of what is to come through the prose. Anna does an amazing job at juxtaposing the lightness of the sea and island, to the darkness that also lurks nearby. There is some excellent foreshadowing that helps set the tone for the rest of this story.

The prose throughout this story is fantastic. Each line adds and builds on the eerie feeling of the island and the fear experienced by our MC. There is beauty and fear weaved into each paragraph and every description just works to heighten the tension and build on the creepy factor of the story.  It's just amazing haunting and will leave you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Anna does an amazing job of using the short chapters to capture the fear our MC is going through. The really short chapters, including one that is just a single line, are where a lot of the tension comes from. It oozes from the screen and you can pretty much feel the fear of the MC in just a few lines. It all comes together to create a story full of tension and fear that will seep into your body. 

I love how we uncover very little about our MC, including their name, and instead we follow this unknown figure across this island. The lack of knowledge really helps you to put yourself in that position and go through the story as though you're the one on the island experiencing the fear. It's such a good choice to make the MC an unknown to those reading it and really heightens that tension to it's maximum level.

If you are looking for a short, but hauntingly terrifying read, this is definitely one I would suggest. There is something so haunting in the simplicity of it all that will leave you on the edge of your seat as you wait to see what happens next. The writing is just incredible and deserves all the love in the world.

Thank you for writing such an amazing story, Anna!


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