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"Guys! Look at this!" I yell, walking over to Chloe and Luka who sat at the edge of the stairs. I hopped up in front of them, and held out the phone.

I pressed the play button and the video began:

"We're looking for new talent! Stunning musical and visual skills are a must, with a brand new style that everyone will die for. You have two weeks to send in your videos!"

"This could be an awesome opportunity to showcase your music!" I say pulling back my phone an scroll through. "Gain more exposure!"

Luka smiled, "Thanks, but don't know. I kind of like just doing the gigs I have right now. Though, it would give an excuse for Chloe here to finally dress me up." He turns to his girlfriend with a smug smile as she lit up.

"Oh My God, Yes!" Chloe squealed, "I was waiting for when you'll finally let me. I have so many different outfits I want you to try! We could go for a rich classy look, or street style, ooh or a western! I'd love to see you in a cowboy hat."

Luka chuckled as he tipped his imaginary hat and the two laughed.

I smiled and looked back at my phone, "I can call Marinette and ask if she and kitty section wants to join." I take my leave and let Luka and Chloe get lost in their own little world again. I chuckle to myself, they were so random, but so perfect for each other.

I soon found Marinette stalking behind a random beam by the entrance. I sneak up behind her and notice the direction she was spying. Quite a distance, stood Damian talking to some classmates.

I smirked, "Watcha doing." I whisper, startling the girl to actually jump. "Oh! Y/N, you scared me. I was just uh... just..." She was looking around fo an excuse and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You don't have to tell me, I was actually going to ask if you and Kitty Section wanted to do a music video for the new contest. I already got Luka and Chloe on board and I would really love if you could send the message their way."

Marinette's eyes widened, "Oh my gosh! Yes, that would be so fun! I could design costumes for the video and Chloe could style them, and we can get fun lights, and have the video on the boat, and-"

I chuckle as she continued to ramble on. "I'll leave that to you then."

Then we got started. I worked on directing, Damian (who I made tag along) helped with editing, Marinette (who couldn't stop ogling over Damian) designed the costumes, and Chloe helped com up with the overall concept and stylized the final design.

The two weeks were almost up and we made it. A super kitty corn rock style concept was born, and though it's very out of the box it totally works. No doubt this will win the contest.

We all huddled around the computer as Damian clicked enter on his laptop, submitting the video. We all cheered, they're totally going to love.

Well, they loved it. So much that they stole it!

A few days later we were all at the Couffaine's jamming out when Ivan told us to look out the window. We all gathered to the side and found XY on the Jumbotron doing a remix to Kitty Section's song, rainbows and everything.

We gasped, but Chloe was fuming, "What the heck. He can not just steal our style like that. We worked forever on it!"

Marinette couldn't help but laugh, "That's ironic coming from the girl who stole my hat design.

Chloe chuckled, rolling her eyes, "You won anyways. But you're right, we have to go in there and show everyone the original design. This is ridiculous."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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