Chapter 5: Chasing Eternity

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[Y/n's PoV]

The sun is just beginning to rise, bringing a red glow to the horizon and beginning to illuminate the clouds. I head to the Ritou harbor, carrying memories of my time with the girl from the day before. I could still hear the melody echoing in my mind— its melodic tones filling my ears with sweet sadness.

The wind is blowing softly, the faint scent of the sea mixing with the fresh air on the island as the ocean stretching out peacefully all around me.

When I'm near Ritou harbor, I've been stopped by a Shogunate officer requesting for my permits. I realized I don't recall having such permits, but then remembered that I never requested them anyway.

I guess despite the Sakoku Decree being repealed, I still needed the proper documentation to enter Narukami Island. I stopped in my tracks, confused how to proceed from here.

"Oh? I think I must have misunderstood. I thought the Sakoku Decree was already repealed..."

"The travel restrictions were repealed, but the permit still applies to those who wish to enter Narukami Island." The Shogunate explained.

Awkward silence sets in as both sides stand facing each other, an impasse having been reached.

"But I lived in Inazuma and just recently depart from Watatsumi Island, does that mean I still require one?"

"Yes, indeed. Those who've lived in Inazuma or traveled from other islands must still be in possession of a permit to enter Narukami Island."

The Shogunate officer crosses their arms and raises an eyebrow, as if expecting me to immediately retrieve a permit from a bag or something.

They don't seem to be in the mood to debate the logic of requiring a permit for residents of Inazuma, but they also don't seem intent on letting me through the gate without it.

"Even residents of Inazuma need permits to enter Narukami Island. And your stay on Watatsumi does not qualify as a good excuse."

"I don't quite follow, especially on how she govern her own nation."

After saying this, the Shogunate officer narrows their eyes at me.

"If I may be so bold as to ask... Where exactly is your permit? It should have been submitted to the local Kanjou Commission prior to your arrival in Ritou, and you should have had it ready the moment you arrived here. I don't see how you could have 'misunderstood' the rules if that's the case..."

They seem skeptical that I never knew about the permit requirement, but they don't voice any other suspicions aloud.

The Shogunate then sighed.

"Listen, those of us who are in service of Her Excellency cannot just allow anyone inside. You want to enter Narukami Island? You follow the rules set in place accordingly."

"Now, would you please kindly retrieve your permit and prove your authenticity, or do you wish to be sent away and lock up inside the police station?"

The two of us stare at each other in a tense standoff, the Shogunate officer clearly not backing down and awaiting for me to provide a permit.

Unfortunately, I don’t currently have one with me. If I'm caught attempting to enter Narukami Island without first having a permit, I could be arrested and jailed for a long time, even if I didn’t commit any major crimes... Yet.

Although, there's one thing that I remembered— I don't play by the rules, especially if the rules belong to her.

Their stares turning more and more suspicious as they noticed my smile, sensing something is amiss.

"Something tells me you don't have your permit, and that is troubling for two reasons... One, if Kojou Sara heard you attempted to enter Narukami Island without a permit... Let's just say you'd be locked up in the police station and questioned by the tengu general herself. Two, you're trying to enter Narukami Island without a permit for a very... very... interesting reason, I presume?"

Through all his blabbering, I didn't pay any attention to it since my eyes were focused more on the open street behind him.

"Hey..! Are you even listening?"

My deadly gaze was then fixated on him that made his body shiver before smirking at him and hastily ran ahead.

"Hey! Halt! You there! Come back here this instant!"

The Shogunate officers attempted to chase after me, but could barely make a step in my direction before I had already made quite the distance.

I could see the officer's expression transition from confusion, to realization, to irritation.

I continued running down the road— the officers shouting after me and trying to get the other Shogunate's attention in the hopes that they'd help to stop me. I couldn't help but to chuckle at how easily I got away.

"What an idiot."

I mumbled to myself as some Shogunate began to rushed in and stop me but no one managed to caught me.

"Wait, you there! Stop! I said stop!"

"I've got her! She's not getting away!"

Two more Shogunate officers tried to block my path, one running up from ahead and another from behind. They both seemed determined to catch me as a smirk of satisfaction already beginning to appear on their faces.

They did not know, however, that a life as a deity had made me extremely agile.

I slipped between the two officers with ease and kept running, leaving them even more frustrated.

After a while, I finally breathed a sigh of relief as I entered Inazuma City, feeling safe as it was unlikely anyone recognized me. I decided to play it safe and not draw any attention to myself while I'm here.

I explored the busy city streets, I noticed that some of the shops haven't had opened yet and they're barely few people walking on the streets now so I made my way towards a garden below the streets.

As I was just beginning to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the garden, I sensed someone else entering the garden behind me. I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes because it was the last person I'd ever expected to see.








The Raiden Shogun...

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