Chapter 28: Tavern Tales

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[Y/n's PoV]

While I investigate the tavern, I noticed some shady-looking strangers looking at me. The place does not seem to be as pleasant as it seems, but it was more better than staying outside in this hot desert.

I took a seat at the bar, hoping to remain inconspicuous among the strangers. As I survey my surroundings, I noticed that there are several groups of eremites scattered around the tavern.

Eventually, a bartender walks up to me. He takes one look at me before his face lights up.

"Oh, you must be from out of town. A lot of visitors come through this door, but not too many get too far past it. So, what brings you all the way here to our tavern?"

"Say, do you live a desert-life through all your days?" I turned the situation around by asking him a question too.

He chuckles at my question, but then looks back at me with concern.

"It might seem that way at first glance, and what they say is true that our environment is harsh, but the desert is more than it appears to be. In fact, there's a lot of beauty here. If you know where to look… and how to enjoy it."

Hmm... He could be a good lead.

"...I was looking for an underground cave here at the desert actually. So I'm trying my luck right now by questioning you here first at this tavern."

He then tilted his head in curiosity.

"An underground cave? Well, you are either very brave or very foolhardy to be looking around in the desert for one. What exactly are you trying to find?"

"...A lost family belonging."

I lied and the barkeep doesn't seem to buy my explanation and looks at me with suspicion.

"Well, whatever your reason is, I hope you know how to handle yourself. We get a lot of trouble from those eremites, so it's best to keep your wits about you. Oh, and if it's something valuable, make sure not to let anyone figure out. We're a bit of a haven for all sorts of unsavory characters, you understand? Now, about that drink..."

Drink..? Oh, right, he's here to get my order in the first place, but... I didn't have any money with me to buy something nor to bribe him into talking more.

"Ah, no, like I said, I'm not here to–"

"It's alright. This one is on the house. You've come along way just to reach this desert, I assume?"

I nodded and he just chuckle again as he pours me a glass of wine.

"Well then, if you don't mind me asking... What made you come all this way for just a family heirloom?"

Huh, he won't leave this matter aside, will he?

"I was just tasked by another family member, so I don't really know what could be that worth for them."

He nods, and then takes the initiative to ask the question that had been on his mind.

"So... May I give you some advice?" He looks at me in a friendly way and smiled softly.

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