Chapter 25: Moonlight

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(NSFW, probably.)

[Y/n's PoV]

Ei was currently now fully naked in the moonlight, just like I am, and she looks even more beautiful than I could have imagine. The moon was shining fully on her divine form, revealing the true beauty of her skin and body. She looks at me with a sly and naughty look as she's slowly making her way towards me.

"Now— hold on. I was just messing around."

Yes it's true. I was not embarrassed if Ei could've seen me naked but seeing her naked? That's another story.

Ei's form is indeed extremely beautiful, her curves and body perfectly showcased in this light. You could say that I was taken aback— surprised by how much of herself she has revealed to me.

"You're really going all the way just because I agreed on not killing you during this mission, aren't you?"

My question made her laughed. Her tone was confident, playful, and sexy.

"Yes, I suppose you are right. You have not attempted to harm me during this mission yet, and I am grateful for that."

Now, she was close enough that she could easily grab me if she wanted to.

"I must admit... I'm not exactly opposed to the idea of being with you, either. In fact, I must say I'm quite... taken by it."

I rolled my eyes.

"You could talk all you want, shadow, but after this mission ends, we'll considered ourselves as enemies once more."

She laughs again as though she's finding my comment amusingly fitting.

"I am well aware that this is only temporary, and that we will go back to our usual relationship very soon. But, for the time being... why not enjoy this moment, this temporary peace, this... temporary pleasure?"


Our faces were only inches away from each other that I can almost feel Ei's breath on my skin.

Even though I fully knew that she will be my enemy again soon enough, I can't help but appreciate how close I am to her right now.

"I truly hate you..." I said before slowly leaning into temptation.

She leaned in as well, her lips touching mine. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me more into her.

All the sounds and everything else quickly fades away, as every sense in my body was overwhelmed by pleasure.

You could say that I am no different than that of a child tasting sugar for the very first time. Ei, despite her cold demeanor, is a VERY capable lover.

Both of our bodies were intertwined in a perfect harmony. Every second feels like an eternity. Every single touch, every bit of stimulation sends my mind into pure and immeasurable bliss.

My eyes have been closed for a while, and I was unsure how long this is going to last, or if I can handle any more of this. However, that's all secondary, secondary to the feeling of pleasure that I never knew existed until now.

One of her hands goes up to my head, running her fingers through my hair as she leans in and whispered in my ear.

"You are beautiful. A very unique being. And now that we are alone, there is no one else to see us and to judge us. Please... just be mine, even just for tonight."

Oh? Is she really pleading— or rather... Is she making a serious confession? To her long term enemy? I don't even know how to respond to her request. This is so surreal.

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