Chapter 14: Sparks Fly

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[Y/n's PoV]

I continued to train, the spirits of thunder seemed to be growing louder as its power grew more intense. It was as if these spirits of thunder felt closer with each passing day. My training seemed to push the boundaries of my abilities further, every day.

I felt as though I was one step closer to defeating Ei, the one thing that mattered most to me. She was my past, my present, and my future goal. The thought of defeating Ei one day seemed to be what drove me forward, no matter how hard my training would get.

My intense devotion to defeating Ei only served to strengthen my resolve and further push myself towards victory.

It might take time, and my own training might seem impossible at times, but eventually, I believed that I would win and defeat Ei once and for all.

It didn't matter how long it took, I would eliminate her, because one day, I knew the final battle would come. And I am determined to emerge victorious.

Today, I decided to take a rest and go to Narukami Island but I knew that after I set foot towards the island once more, I'll definitely drew the mortal's attention since I may have revealed my identity to them when the Shogun fought me.

I walked among the people, and I definitely drew all kinds of attention... some stares, some curious looks, and some whispers. Even if I wished to remain anonymous, it was simply not possible. In this moment, I felt more eyes than ever before.

"Hey, it's you."

I turned around to see who called out to me, and I instantly recognized Kokomi, the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island. She seemed to have recognized me as well, which wasn't too unexpected considering how I revealed myself to her before my identity's revelation.

"Oh, well met. What are you doing here at Narukami Island?" I asked, clearly trying to start up a small conversation between us.

"I am here to celebrate a festival being held today."

"Festival..?" I then looked around the area while completely ignoring the people's gaze and saw the festivities going on.

"Hmm... Care to explain it to me in detail?" I simply asked.

"Of course, but..."

She looks down, indicating that she is not used to people watching her.

"I see... Follow me. I know a place where we can talk and away from these people."

I began to walk away but then stopped for a moment and looked at her one more time.

"Don't worry. I'm not planning on eating you." I said half-jokingly.

After a while, I led her to the garden as I let her explain.

"It is a festival celebrating the souls of Youkai and the coming fall season. There's food and music and dancing and... Well..."

She seemed to be trying not to talk about certain things in front of me, but she was doing a poor job at not making things awkward.

Kokomi's face grew even more awkward as she continued to explain the festival.

"The upcoming fall season is considered a time of change and transition. This festival is meant to bid farewell to the summer season and welcome the cooler and darker days ahead."

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