Chapter 22 ~ The End towards Forever

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Freed stayed with Rufus near the back of the wedding, trying to avoid any attention. He just wanted a final goodbye. Few other noticed them and those that did just have small smiles and waved at them, knowing the drama that had unfolded over the past year.

Rufus looped his arm around Freeds waist, holding him close as they found two seats in the car left corner. Freed smiled some as Rufus put on his signature smile, accepting the shadow of the spotlight. Nobody wanted a fight anymore, just to go on their separate life paths. Freed watched as the ceremony started, his heart clenching some as he watched Bixslow lead Cana down the aisle, followed behind by a smiling Evergreen with her arm looped through Elfman. They seemed so happy and it did hurt, but Freed just looked away. He had new friends now, a new reason to continue, a new hope.

Freeds eyes caught on Laxus, who was waiting at the end with Master, with a rather relaxed face. Yellow eyes caught Freeds glance and he just offered a small smile, his heart feeling nothing. Finally. The long lasting love was gone for the dragon slayer, Freed was at peace. The couple stood as the rest of the crowd did, Mira appearing at the other end, a bright smile on her face.

"Hm she does look gorgeous in that dress..."
Rufus leaned closer to Freed to whisper to him, smiling as he looked down at his boyfriend.
"But you are absolutely dazzling."

"Shh this isn't our day Rufus"
Freed blushed lightly at the compliment and smiled as he watched the ceremony commence. His attention was divided between the boring words being spoken and the way Rufus's hand kept inching closer to his inner thigh. Soon cheering filled the room and Freed pushed the hand off to clap like the others.

Natsu could be seen jumping up and screaming before a grumbling Gray dragged him back down.

Freed found himself wandering with Rufus as people started to talk, dance, and drink around them. He looked down as a plate of food was pushed into his hands, smiling some at Rufus.
"Thank you."

"You have eyes on you now darling. I can tell them to go away."
Rufus tipped his hat towards an approaching trio.
Freed looked and sighed as he passed the plate back.
"No I'll be okay. Go mingle. Don't start any fights please. If I need you you'll know right?"

Rufus frowned some but nodded, soon putting on his signature attitude as he went towards the hot and cold duo.

Freed felt a hand on his shoulder and turned back, a small smile on his face.
"Ever. Bixs. was a beautiful ceremony."

Ever just smiled and threw herself into him, hugging the male tight.
"You came! Don't I just look gorgeous? Much better than any of the other bridesmaids. They couldn't even compare. And look at you. So handsome."

Freed smiled as he hugged his friend back, making a noise as Bixslow hugged onto the duo.
"Bixs! Cant breathe!"

"Sorry babyyyy. Didn't I look so snazzy? Even trimmed the hair so I looked fresh. Only the best for an event like this. I'll make sure to look even better for your wedding Freeeeeedddd. You brought lover boy along."

Freed blushed heavily as he separated himself from his friends, aiming a weak punch at Bixslows arm.
"Shut up. You do look nice today though."

Laxus slowly approached a bit closer, having stayed a bit farther away.
"Freed...thank you for coming. How is er Rufus?"

"Hm of course Laxus I wouldn't miss this. It's your big day. Rufus is fine just mingling right now. How do you feel?"
Freed smiled some as offered his former leader a nod.

"Happy. Thanks for coming. Sorry to leave so quickly but I need to find Mira."
Laxus was quick to leave after giving a small smile.

Freed nodded some, sending his other two friends off to party. He soon found arms looped around his waist again, humming lightly as he leaned back against the source.
"Hm you smell like beer. I thought you preferred wine."

"Ah that I do but it's a party darling so I was mingling. No fights as promised. How did it go with your friends?"

Freed slowly turned around, wrapping his arms around Rufus's neck.
"It was nice. Talking again. I know we're still a bit rough, but end of the day I know they care and we want to make it work again. Hm let's go dance."

Rufus slowly released his arms, taking his hand gently as he led him to the dance floor. Arms and hands looped together as they started to sway with the others to the slow song. Freed just smiled as he laid his head against his chest.
"Thank you. For coming with me. I'm glad you're here."

"Of course darling. I wouldn't miss this view for the world. You're glowing right now."

Freed smiled and slowly tipped his head back, watching the lights twinkle off Rufus's eyes.
"I love you. Thank you. For saving me. For loving me. For everything you've done for me."

"Baby. I would burn the world down for you. You deserve everything I can give to you. I will give you everything forever. I will show you how much love you deserve forever. One day, I will make you my husband and we can create a family if you desire. But I will show you every day for the rest of our lives how much you deserve to feel loved."
Rufus's stare was intense, but his smile was bright. Freed choked back his tears and pulled him into a kiss, tuning out the noise of the people and music around them.

"Here's to another step towards forever, together."


Alright here's the last chapter of this story. I started this back when I was much younger and trying to deal with life. I don't plan to rewrite this so I'm sorry about the adjustment from whatever happened in my younger years to this. Thank you for all your support and I hope that this doesn't disappoint.

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