Chapter 9~ Will you join us?

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Sorry guys had a minor depressive episode. But I'm back now :) ))

Rufus's POV

"H-how did you find him?"

Bixslow and Evergreen stared at me in confusion before shaking their heads. They looked horrible to be honest with you. Bixslow wore his mask as usual, but his outfit was more wrinkled than I remember and he slumped forward more than usual. Evergreens eyes were puffy and red as if she'd been crying a lot lately.

They both stared at me, or I think Bixslow was looking at me, before Evergreen broke down crying again, holding out an envelope to me.

"I-it's an invitation to Freeds memorial. H-h-He..."
A new round of sobbing ensued from Evergreen as Bixslow patted her back, lifting up his masks visor.

"He committed suicide a few days ago and we know that he wasn't really close to anyone...we already gave an invitation to your guild, but Sting mentioned you had company over at your house so we came to personally invite you. Freed talked highly of your Magic's skill. He kinda seemed to have a man crush on you to be honest."

Bixslow flashed one of his signature grins at the end before his face fell again.
"All the details on everything for the memorials in that envelope. We hope you guys can'd be great to see you there"

I smiled sadly at them and nodded, chewing on the inside of my cheek. Part of me wanted to spill the truth to them right then and there, but I knew Freed would tell everyone at his own time.

The gentleman in me wanted to invite them in, but I couldn't just yell at Freed to  go and hide while I talked with his friends.

"W-well I will mark the date on my calendar and I will be there. I'm so sorry to hear about Freed. He was such an excellent wizard and had unlimited potential. I had hoped to be close comrades one day with him as well. It's truly a shame"

Bixslow nodded sadly and rubbed Evergreens back as she started wailing again.
"Thanks for this Rufus. It means a lot. We'll be heading back then. Lots to plan ya know?"

I nodded and waved as they walked away, watching as Bixslows puppets circled around their heads saying Freeds name. How odd.

I closed my door and went back to my kitchen to spot Freed, slumping in his chair sadly. I frowned worriedly as I kneeled beside him, staring into his eyes.

"What's wrong Freed?"

Freeds POV

Bislows here. Bixslow knows. He'll tell everyone. I can't let him.

I looked up at Rufus with tear filled eyes before standing and running up the stairs, not wanting someone to watch me cry.
I could faintly hear Rufus calling my name after me as i curled up on the floor in front of some fireplace, but I just covered my ears as I cried.

I don't know how long I was crying for before I finally made my way back downstairs. Hours? Minutes? It was all a blur to me these days.

I saw a blur of red and gasped as the wind was knocked out of my chest. Rufus was...hugging me?

I saw some tears spilling from his eyes and gently wiped them away with my thumbs.
"Why are you crying Rufus? What happened?"

"I'm sorry Freed! I'm just trying to make you feel better, but I know I'm failing and I'm sorry!"

I smiled some and gently hugged him back, hoping he'd let me go. I finally breathed in as his grip slackened and patted his head.
"It's fine Rufus...where was I sleeping this morning? I need to change my clothes"

Rufus blinked before completely letting me go and grabbed my hand, pulling home up the stairs. At least he wasn't carrying me again.
"It was my room actually, but it's fine."

He let me have some privacy as he pointed out a pile of clothes on a chair. I found some comfy looking sweats and just put those on, not really feeling the need to look my normal look. That Freed was dead.

I let Rufus back in after I changed and I swear he was staring at me. I brushed the notion away and walked around his room, studying every detail. I noticed his pile of books next to his chairs and sat down in one, looking at their titles.

"You like to read too?"

I looked up at Rufus and smiled some as I nodded.
"I suppose you have a library somewhere within this mansion?"

He smirked and nodded, crossing his arms.
"Those are my favorites though next to you. I always seem to be rereading them"

I looked over the titles and pulled one out, sitting back as I started to read.

I didn't notice how Rufus sat beside me and started reading one of the other books, both of us enjoying the calm silence. Until a window broke next to the bed and green eyes stared through the fading light at us.

I Remember your Purple Fall (Frufus)Where stories live. Discover now