Chapter 18~ The Search part 1

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Freed woke to arms rubbing his sides, smiling some as he rolled onto his back. He let out a soft yawn as he took off his sleeping mask, an item Rufus had managed to make a new necessity in Freeds life. Lips brushed against his and Freed wrapped an arm around the neck connected to those lips, smiling softly into the action.

"Morning my angel."

Freed laughed some as they separated, smiling up at Rufus as he started to stand up.
"We've discusses the reasons I'm not an angel remember? I'm more of a devil than most."

"I have that conversation memorized yes, but alas I refuse to submit in defeat. You are an angel and an angel only. You may have more devilish abilities, but it's how you use those same abilities that defines you. You are an angel, never a demon. Now let's hurry up and go downstairs for breakfast before we head out on our search."

Freed nodded and both males got dressed for the day before heading downstairs together. They sat in their respective seats across from each in the corner of the dining area that was attached to the hotel. Food was ordered and coffee and tea were drank.

Soon both males were out and walking the streets together, hand in hand. The bar was in sight after a few minutes of walking and Freed tugged his jacket a bit tighter.
"Pollos Tavern. We need to talk to a man named Leer Taylorson who was supposedly working the night that Roger Higgins was last seen in this town."

Rufus nodded along as Freed spoke, opening the bars doors for him.
"Sounds like a plan Free. Let's do this."

Freed nodded and approached the bar top that was a bit empty for the time being. A few people were drinking early and Freed hid his concern for their wellbeing. He approached the bar top and waved his hand.
"Hello? Sir? We're looking for a Leer Taylorson. We're mates from Sabertooth trying to find someone."

The bright red-haired male leaned forward on the counter with a bored expression.
"I'm Leer. What can I do for you boys? Who is it ya'll are lookin for?"

Freed pulled out the wanted poster they had been given, holding it front of him.
"This man was last seen in this bar 3 days ago. We're you working that night?"

Leer yawned boredly and nodded.
"Weird dude. Came to a bar and ordered water and wanted to know the way to Cherfy. He tipped decently for his weird order. Sorry I didn't recognize him right away. Could've saved ya'll the trouble of this."

Freed smiled and shrugged some as he put the flyer away.
"Thank you for this information. It's very helpful. I hope your business continues to prosper. Have a nice day."

Rufus wrapped his arm around Freeds shoulder as they walked out, smiling.
"So let's check out and then head to Cherfy? I wonder what he wants there. If I remember correctly like always, they're a small town that really doesn't do much."

Freed shrugged and nodded some as they walked together.
"Yes. And I'm not sure either. Hopefully we'll find him still walking there. Thankfully the roads are too small for cars or carriages and no trains run that way."

Rufus nodded and dropped his arm from his shoulders as they walked into the hotel again.
"I hope we find him before anything bad happens..."

"We will. Because we're the dream duo. And we're unstoppable together."
Freed grinned at Rufus before they started to pack their things for their continued search.

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