Chapter 11~ Fix me

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Freeds POV

Sinking. Falling away from it all. I don't want to leave them. No...him. Help me somebody. I'm losing myself to the monsters. I don't want to lose myself to them. Who's screaming? Wait don't leave me here! Please!

Rufus's POV

I woke with a start at the sound of screaming. I grabbed my sword as I stood before looking over at Freed. He was covered in a layer of sweat and thrashing around wildly on the bed as he screamed his lungs out. I hurriedly dropped my sword and ran over, gently shaking his shoulder.
"Freed? Freed! Calm down Freed. It's just me Rufus. Freed buddy come on wake up!"

His eyes finally shot open as his body went still. His chest was rising and falling as he panted and I just stroked his cheek gently in an attempt to calm him. I sat beside him on the bed and murmured nonsense to him as he started to cry, clinging to me. I sighed as he finally fell asleep again and rocked him gently before laying him down again. I smiled some at how peaceful he looked before I went downstairs to prepare breakfast for us.

Freeds POV

I woke to Rufus shaking me and saying my name. I was aware of screaming and looked around in confusion before I realized it was coming from me. I was screaming. I started to cry as I curled up in his lap, my eyes slowly drooping closed again as I fell asleep to his mumbling.

I woke again, this time alone. I sighed as I slowly walked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. The reflection seemed to morph into my demon form, showing what I really was. It was immensely overweight with spectators in the background laughing at it.
"Kill yourself already Freed. No one wants you clearly. That's why he left you too. You're alone and always will be you fat piece of worthless shit. At least do the world a favor and just end it"

I don't know when my saber appeared in my hands. I don't remember when the floor started to look so red. I don't remember shoving my fingers down my throat as I bent over the toilet. I remember the red. I remember the feeling of bile rising in my throat. I remember how I felt. How I truly felt.

Rufus's POV

I finally finished making us breakfast and I went upstairs to wake Freed. I noticed the bed was empty and the light on in the bedroom. The sound of someone puking made me run in worriedly.

Freed was bent over the once white toilet, fingers being shoved down his throat. The toilet was stained red as blood dropped from his arms. I noticed his sword laying on the counter, it's usual silver covered in a layer of blood. I focused back on Freed again as he vomited up pure bile and noticed the tears running down his cheeks.

I quickly fell to my knees beside him and stopped his hands from going back into his mouth. He screamed and sobbed as he struggled against me before finally going limp as he cried. I gently laid him on the floor and started bandaging his wrists, fighting back my tears as I looked at all his scars that were covered in new cuts. I looked up as Freed finally spoke through his tears.

"Please. Fix me"

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