Chapter 6~Again

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Rufus's POV

My Freed. My poor Freed.

He's laying in bed screaming, thrashing around, clearly having a nightmare. His hair is all over the place and I internally cringe. He's going to make himself bleed again if he keeps going like this.

My heart plummeted as I ran to his side, shaking him gently in an attempt to wake him.

"Freed? Freed wake up! Come on Freed. Come out of it"

Freeds POV

"Freed? Freed wake up! Come on Freed. Come out of it."

That voice...Rufus? Please let me die in this dream. He did it! Laxus finally held my heart truly in his hands. He finally killed me. I finally showed him everything I wanted to give him. I gave him my all.

Laxus's laughs were all I heard as I slowly faded out of this dream, red covering everything.

"Freed? Freed! Thank goodness. It's okay Freed. You're safe here Freed"

I groaned as I softly opened my eyes, shaking some as I noticed my new surroundings. Rufus was leaning over me, his lips pursed with worry. His hair seemed to be a little unruly too. It was honestly a little funny to see him like this. The memory mage prides himself on his image.

I let my eyes drift around the room, noticing the large plush bed I was on. The ceilings were so tall I could fly around easily. There was a fireplace directly in front of me with two chairs facing it. Overall the room was pretty barren of any personal details, no pictures anywhere to be seen.

"Freed buddy? Hey you alright? You were screaming in your sleep and thrashing around pretty violently"

"Where am I?"

I watched as Rufus flushed some, looking nervous. How odd...

"My house. You're in my room currently. I knew how much the hospital setting was stressing you out and I knew you wouldn't get better if you stayed there so I hoped taking you somewhere more isolated would help"

I nodded some and let my eyes study his form. He had flour on his shirt and some other spices. He must've been cooking a meal. Dinner. It's dark outside so maybe he was cooking dinner.

I made a slight face at the thought of food and Rufus noticed.

"Freed I'm sorry. Did I make the incorrect assumption? I apologize. I can take you back ther-"


My own anger in the subject surprised me, but I sighed and relaxed down again.

"Sorry but no thank you. I'd rather not"

Rufus looked relieved for some reason as he nodded. Why would he care?

I yelped in surprise as I was suddenly lifted off the bed, Rufus heading downstairs. First of all, he was a lot stronger then he looked and secondly. What the hell?!

"Put me down Rufus! Where are you taking me?!"

Rufus only chuckled to my dismay.
"It's dinner time Freed. And I have to make sure you eat to get better. I promised myself and my guild that I would get you back into good health again"

I laughed internally at his concern. I would always eat. I just never kept it down. I smirked some as Rufus set me down in my seat. He really should just get rid of me now.

Rufus's POV

Freed. Thank the heavens he's alright, but I'm still worried about what dream he could've possibly had.  I can tell he won't tell me directly so I won't pry. Not yet.

I set a plate of dinner in front of him and frowned as he just stared at it as I started to eat mine.

"Freed? You going to eat"

"I'm not hungry"

Images of his skinny body and light weight flood my mind, making my heart break.

"Freed you're just skin and bones. You must eat. Please?"

"Please don't make me...I don't deserve food"

I blinked in confusion and frowned, moving over to the chair beside him.

"Freed Justine. You don't deserve any of this pain. You are a handsome man with incredible talent. Don't ever say you don't deserve a chance at a happy life because you deserve more than that. Now eat, even if it's only a few bites. Please?"

I watched as his beautiful blue eyes teared up and instantly felt horrible. Had I really hurt his feelings?

"No ones ever told me I matter. Thank you R-Rufus"

I smiled in relief and watched as he shakily tried to eat. By the time his shaking arm got the food to his mouth, there was nothing left. I smiled and gently stopped him, scooping up some food and pressing it to his lips. His thin cheeks went bright pink, but he didn't object, eating slowly.

Eventually he shook his head, signaling that he couldn't eat anything more. He barely made a dent in it, but I was proud. He was trying. I gently picked him up and carried him back up to my room, tucking him into bed.

"Rest now Freed. No arguing. If you need anything just call. I'll be getting a few chores done"

And with that I left the man of my dreams to sleep in my bed.

Freeds POV

Rufus is so kind. He said I mattered. He helped me eat. He carried me to bed. He's shown me nothing but kindness.

I started to drift to sleep, one thought on my mind.

Why did he care?

I Remember your Purple Fall (Frufus)Where stories live. Discover now