Chapter 19~ The Search part 2

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The road to Cherfy was heavily wooded, rocky, dusty, and boring. But it didn't matter to Rufus because Freed seemed to be enjoying himself, sharing stories of other jobs he had done before to him. Rufus had learned that: Freed once dyed his hair hot pink for a disguise, Freed once gave a criminal food poisoning by accident, and some other things that are better left forgotten.

Rufus just walked with him patiently, holding the males hand happily as he let his eyes wander around. They still had another 3 hours until they reached Cherfy on foot and had been walking for 2 hours. Freed insisted that they'd have a better chance of finding clues if they went on foot and Rufus just agreed because it made sense.

Smoke in the distance had his moth turning down into a slight frown, nudging his elbow into Freeds side gently.
"Hey babe. Look. It's small so it's not a forest fire, maybe just a campfire. We should check it out in case."

Freed nodded in agreement and sped up on his walking, heading off to the side into the woods. Twigs snapped under their feet as they journeyed into the trees, soon coming to a stop. A campfire had been put out as was just smoking a little bit. What looked like camping supplies were strewn out all over the place and everything looked abandoned.

Freed frowned as he stepped out from behind the bush, going over to poke at the coals with his hand, wincing as he pulled away.
"These are still hot like really hot. Whomever was here left recently and in a rush."

Rufus smiled at his boyfriends proper grammar and nodded, glancing around as he used his shoe to kick a cup over.
"This cup still has coffee in it. Wet stain on the ground means it was probably nearly full."
He looked over at Freed before going pale and starting to run to him.

A sword came crashing down onto the ground beside Freed, tearing off the back of his jacket end. Freed let out a shriek as he jumped over the campfire, falling to the ground as he didn't not stick the landing. He rolled over onto his back and yelped as spear lodged itself behind his head.

Rufus let out a possessive growl as he leapt at the their attacker, crying out as an arrow lodged itself in his upper thigh. He collapsed down to his knees, his hands going to cup his new wound. His eyes went wide as he saw their attacker, narrowing angrily.
"Roger Higgins. Escaped criminal. Wanted for 5 murders, 3 kidnappings, and escaping prison. Uses weapon requip magic."

Roger just grinned down at him with an eerie smile, his teeth the color of silver and all sharpened to points. He held a sword out to each mans throat, seemingly effortlessly.
"Ya caught me. Can't believe it was this fast though. Wizards and all work faster than I thought. Quite boring actually. So what's up with you two fags finding me first? God you're disgusting. I think I'll kill the blonde first. I've always hated blondes."

Roger raised his sword with a smirk, keeping the other trained on Freed.
"Bye-bye blondie."

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