Chapter 4~I don't want to Remember this

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Freeds POV

Freed was in shock as he stared at the memory mage staring beside him. How did he get to Sabertooth?

Rufus's POV

I sat beside Freeds bed, running through all my memories that contained any information relating to him or his Thunder Tribe. Tenroujima. Magic games. Rune magic. Unrequited love.


I snapped back into reality at the sound of my name, instantly looking over at the wide eyes of a Freed Justine. Wow! His eyes were so gorgeous. Their blue reflected that of the the water in the ocean. Absolutely stunning.

I cleared my throat some as I stared at him, smiling some as I tipped my hat at him.
"At your service. I remember you. Freed Justine of Fairy Tail. But how did you end up in the stream in the woods?"

"I put myself there. Next time don't rescue me."

My eyes widened in shock and I frowned. H-he wanted to die? How? Why? No!

"Let you die? Now what kind of guild mage would I be if I let an innocent die? Once you're feeling better than you can home to Fairy Tail and be back with everyone."

"NO! I'm never going back!"

I watched as he started to claw at the back of his hand, the one containing his guild mark. It almost instantly became bloody because of how weak he was overall.

I grabbed his other hand at the first sight of blood and snarled some.

"Stop Freed! We both know how guild marks are removed and clawing it off isn't the answer."

"It's the painful path I want so let me go Rufus!"

I sighed as Freed struggled beneath me and I raised my free hand to the side of my head, remembering handcuffs around his wrists attached to the bed.

"There. Now you can't harm yourself. That spells nearly impossible to break."

Freed snarled at me and it honestly hurt. Why would he act like this? His struggling was futile and the cuffs didn't tear at his wrists thankfully.

"Freed will you tell me what happened? Why were you in the water? Why did you try to die?"

Freeds POV

I struggled against Rufus's cuffs angrily, giving up once I noticed that they didn't even leave a mark on my wrists.

I stared up at Rufus's eyes as he questioned my decision. He looked so close to crying, but why? He doesn't know anything.

"It doesn't matter until I succeed. And I'm not going back to him. You can't make me."

"By him you must mean Laxus. No one here will force you to return to Fairy Tail. And if they try they'll have to deal with me. I can recall no one ever daring to stand against my decisions."

Laxus. Laxus. Please I don't want to hear his name. It hurts so much. I need my knife please give it to me. It makes the pain disappear. I'm losing it. The demon is going to take over. Please let it take over.

"Freed? Freed?! Freed Stop!"

I suddenly became aware that my hands were covered in my blood and my wrists were shredded. The handcuffs. Apparently enough struggling will break any spell.

Rufus had taken off the cuffs and was cleaning my blood, staring at my face worriedly. I wonder what he looks like under that mask of his. Maybe he's scarred or something. That'd be funny.

My world went black as images of a mask free Rufus still raced through my mind.

Rufus's POV


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