Chapter 15~ Date Part 2

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Rufus could only hide his smirk so much as he led Freed to their date night plans. The poor unsuspecting man had no idea what was going to happen.

Freed walked with Rufus happily, holding his hand tight as he let his eyes roam. He looked up as they came to a stop, looking at Rufus in confusion.
"A uh pottery store? I'm sorry but I'm not very artistically inclined in this field of art."

Rufus just chuckled and led him inside, tipping his hat at the owner.
"The owners Lorraine and Michael are friends. They offered to teach us a private class and we can come back at a later time to paint our products. Freed Justine. Will you spin clay with me?"
Rufus bowed to Freed, smirking some as he held up an open hand to him.

Freed laughed and grabbed his hand eagerly, dragging him back after Michael.
"Yes alright. I'm always up for more knowledge."

Rufus smiled and walked with him, watching Freeds eagerness as he took off his coat and rolled up his shirt sleeves. Memory saved.
Rufus rolled up his own sleeves and set his hat off to the side of the room, grabbing large aprons for them two of them. He helped Freed tie his in back eagerly, letting his hands linger a bit longer on the small of the greenettes back.

Freed shivered some at Rufus's lingering touch, fighting back a light blush. He smiled and sat down at a wheel, noticing how Rufus chose the one closest to him.

A few minutes later and all the instructions known, and memorized, Freed and Rufus were at work, letting their wheels spin as they shaped the clay.

Freed noticed how Rufus didn't seem very focused on the clay in front of him, watching at the blondes eyes darted over to his form very often, yet his clay seemed to take shape with perfection and skill. Freeds pot, however, was a slow process to get it to shape especially since he had no idea what he wanted it to look like.

Rufus watched Freeds immense concentration on the task in front of him, his smiles twitching up into a smile. He himself often threw clay here with Lorraine and Michael, helping create products for them to sell. His own piece came together fast and easy and he cut the clay from off his wheel and set it on a rack to dry out. After his piece was resting and his station cleaned up, Rufus just watched Freed, noticing how the male seemed to be relaxing with every minute he spent shaping the clay with his gorgeous delicate hands. He watched as Freed started to smile as he worked, seemingly enjoying the task. He also didn't miss how often the male glanced over and the light blush across his nose and cheeks.

It took an hour for the both of them to finish their clay projects and get cleaned up. Lorraine and Freed seemed to have hit it up as possible friends, the both of them bonding over their love of reading and old formal lifestyles. Rufus could only contain his smile so much as he watched his date making an effort to get to know others.

Rufus eventually declared that they had to get going in order to keep in time with their schedule, holding Freeds hand gently.

Freed pouted some, but nodded and smiled, hugging Lorraine before standing beside Rufus.
"Thank you both again for letting us do this. I'll try and visit alright Lorraine? We can make a book club or something."

Lorraine laughed and nodded as she curled into her husbands side, watching the two mages go out on their way again.
"Rufus finally found someone Michael. And I think they both need each other more than they know."

Rufus smiled as he led Freed to a restaurant that was simple yet majestic looking on the outside. Inside, he said his name to the hostess and smirked as he noticed Freeds curious gaze wandering around.
"Le Chauranzti. Delicious food. Don't let the fancy interior trick you, they're all personable and comforting."

Freed smiled some at Rufus and nodded, letting himself be led back to the back of the restaurant near a window, in the corner. He bit his bottom lip shyly as Rufus pulled out his chair for him, sitting down as he thanked him.

"Ignore the pricing Freed. Tonight's my treat and I plan to spoil you."
Rufus smirked some as he glanced up from his menu, watching as Freeds eyes bugged out some.

Dinner was nice and relaxing, both males just talking about themselves and other normal topics as they drank their wine. Rufus found out Freed was estranged from his family after he had run away to pursue his own life. Freed discovered that Rufus did pottery with Lorraine and Michael and helped create pieces for them to sell.

Rufus and Freed were both a bit dazed as they walked alongside the river together, holding hands and basking in the full moons light.

Freed sighed softly and smiled as he let his hair hang loose.
"I really enjoyed tonight Rufus. I never knew I could be so happy. I always thought I was doomed to be alone and unloved as punishment for leaving my family. But you helped me heal. You fixed my wounds and you were always so patient with me and my recovery. I don't know how I can ever repay you for all that you've done for me."

Rufus stopped them and faced Freed, smiling at him as he brushed a strand of hair out of his face, tucking his behind his ear.
"I did it all because I wanted too and I cared. I know the struggles you've gone through because I've had issues like them in the past. You'll never have to repay me for saving you because you being alive is all I could ever want. Freed Justine. I'm in love with you and all I want is for your happiness."

Freed gasped lightly and blushed heavily as he looked at Rufus shyly.
"Rufus...I'm in love with you too and I don't want to leave you."

Rufus grinned and captured the males lips with his own, both males just kissing under the full moon as cherry blossom petals drifted down upon them next to the shimmering river water.
No the story's not done yet don't worry lol. I hope I did dating justice because your lonely author has never dated or been much of a romantic.

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