Chapter 10~ I don't want to be Found

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Rufus's POV

The window next to my bed shattered and all I saw in the darkness were two green orbs. I heard Freed stand with a gasp and I instantly stood in front of him, protectively drawing my sword.
"Freed stay back! I won't let that thing hurt you"

"B-Bixslow? What the hell were you thinking breaking and entering another mages house?"
I watched in shock as Freed strode over to the figure and grabbed their ear, ignoring their pained cries as he yelled at them. I put my sword away and smirked as I watched the scene unfold in front of me. It was all quite amusing. I heard a feminine laugh outside my window followed by a thud on my floor.

Freed had thrown Bixslow to the ground and was now dragging in Evergreen by her hair.
"Evergreen you too? I taught you both so much better than this! I can't believe you both conspired to breaking and entering. I will be billing you for this broken window!"

I snickered at them and put on my signature smirk.
"What the heck are you guys doing anyways?"

Bixslow stared up at me from his position on the floor, gulping as he glanced back at Freed.
"I recognized his soul signature and told Evergreen. S-She suggested that we try and investigate on our own, but your doors spellproofed so we couldn't pick it. "

Freed looked ready to give them another earful before I held up a hand.
"Let's go downstairs and I'll make some tea while we discuss everything. "

Time skip

Freeds POV

We were all sitting around Rufus's kitchen table, drinking our tea silently. No one wanted to speak first it seemed. I sighed and cleared my throat, all eyes turning to me.
"I'm not going back and you two can't tell anyone I'm here got it?"

Bixslow instantly stood, knocking the table into me.
"Freed baby! We just found out you were alive and you expect us not to tell anyone about this? How should we keep this from Laxus? The guild?! Everyone's heartbroken you're gone."

"Not everyone Bixslow. You can tell them I'm alive I suppose, but not my location. I don't want anyone to find out I'm here. I've already removed my guildmark so there's no need for them to continue treating me like family. I am simply Freed Justine. A rune mage without a home."

I saw Rufus frown in the corner of my eye, but my attention was brought back to my former teammates.

Evergreen sobbed loudly and jumped over the table just to hug onto me. I of course fell to the ground with the wind knocked out of me by her sudden action.
"Freed. I'm just happy you're alive. Please keep living. For us? Even if you don't come back can you promise to get better?"

I teared up some at her words and slowly nodded before hugging her back.
"I-I-....I'll do my best Ever. I'll try to get better"

Evergreen kissed my cheek before standing and helping me up. Bixslow came over and hugged me, lifting up his eye shield to look at me.
"We will visit every so often, but just us two alright? And maybe Lucy's crab because that hair is horrible."

I nodded and smiled before watching him walk over and talk to Rufus. They were whispering something before Rufus nodded and they both shook their hands.

Rufus and I waved them out afterwards and I just went up to Rufus's room to shower and change for bed. As I drifted to sleep, I felt a light touch on my cheek and sighed happily.

Rufus's POV

After Bixslow had spoken with Freed he came over and pulled me off to the side.
"Hey Rufus? His soul seems happier. It looks a lot better than it has for a while. I think it's because of you. He's stubborn that's for sure, but I think you're good for him. He won't be able to change back to normal instantly, it'll take some struggles, but can you promise me and Ever that you'll help him? That you won't abandon him when it gets bad again before the good?"

I inhaled in surprise before nodding, offering my hand to him. He shook it and I could see a smile through his visor.

Freed and I waved them out as they left and I watched Freed retreat upstairs to get ready for bed. I smiled some and finished cleaning up my kitchen and reset my table before going upstairs. I noticed Fred falling asleep and gently kissed his cheek, not noticing the smile growing on his face. I quickly washed up and dried my hair before putting on my pajamas. I looked at the space beside Freed and sighed longingly before going over to my couch and laying on it, allowing sleep to take over.

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