Chapter 8~ Broken

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Thank you guys so much. I'm already almost at 100 reads and it makes me cry a little. I honestly thought that my writing was shit but you guys gave me some hope ❤️

Rufus's POV

Freed. My poor Freed. He was sobbing into my chest and shaking so badly. It made my heart ache. All around was his beautiful Green hair, cruelly chopped off by his saber.

"R-R-Rufus I'm sorry. I can clean it up. I p-p-p-promise!"

My eyes went wide in shock as I looked down at the crying man and shook my head, pulling him into a tight hug. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I stood, picking him up bridal style. He struggled weakly in my arms, but his weakened form did nothing against my healthy one.

I noticed my toilet was filled with vomit and I wrinkled my nose before carrying him to my bed and laying him down. I sat beside him and held him close again, rocking him gently.

"R-Rufus. Please let me die. I d-don't want this. I don't want this pain!!"

My heart shattered some at his words and I shook my head, holding him a bit tighter.
"Never Freed. Please sleep? You'll feel better in the morning alright?"

He weakly nodded and I sighed as I kept rocking him, singing to him under my breath. My eyes widened a bit as I recognized it as a lullaby my mother used to sing to me, but I continued it for who knows how long.

I finally realized that Freed had fallen asleep against me and a smile twitched on my lips as I tucked him in, gently kissing his forehead. I sighed sadly at the sight of him before going to clean up my bathroom.

As I curled up beside Freed in my bed I made a mental checklist of things to hide from him and what I needed to change my house to help him. I fell asleep with my arm wrapped around his shoulder, his soft snoring a calming sound in my mind. Memorized.

Freeds POV

I can't believe I did that. I cut my hair again. AGAIN! The last time I did it was mourning Laxus. This time was to forget him...that monster.

Rufus...why does he pretend to care so much about me? I know he hates me just like everyone else. I promise Rufus. I'll leave you alone too. I know you want me too.

I felt a weight around my shoulders and whined as I woke, tiredly looking to my side. My eyes went wide at the sight of a sleeping Rufus Lore, missing his signature mask. He...he actually was pretty hot. But he doesn't want me here. He doesn't like me.

I started to stand up, but yelled in surprise as I was pulled back down. I looked behind me angrily and noticed an equally angry memory mage staring me down.

"Where were you going?"

Shit. Quick lie quick lie Freed.
"The bathroom"

"Liar. I called Sabertooths primary medic here to review your case. She'll be here in an hour. Until then, I will be dragging you with me everywhere and you will not leave my sight understood?"

I gulped nervously and nodded at Rufus who seemed to calm down quite a bit. I watched as he stood and frowned as I was pulled up next to him.
"What are you-"

I yelped in surprise as I was picked up in his arms, struggling angrily as he carried me down to the kitchen.
"Put me down Rufus! My legs aren't broken! I am perfectly capable of walking on my own!"

"Nope. You're not leaving my sight and I can't trust you to do anything right now"

I pouted angrily and huffed, reaching up to tangle my fingers in my hair nervously. I went pale as I felt nothing and tears sprang to my eyes. Oh yeah...

"Hey Freed...have you ever cut your hair before?"

My eyes instantly shot up to Rufus who was beating some sort of mixture in a bowl. He looked odd without his mask and hat...a good odd.
"Yeah once. When Laxus was kicked out of the guild. Lucy has some spirit hair cutter who was able to make it like it was before. I had shaved it all off and I hated it"

" you think I could ask Yukino to ask her if we can use her spirit? We don't have to tell her why but maybe it'll help you a bit?"

I stared at his concerned face and nodded a little bit, before staring down at the table again.

Rufus's POV

I started making my signature crepes as I watched his gaze fall back to the table. My poor little rune mage. He needed so much fixing, but I would give him anything and everything. He doesn't deserve this.

I soon finished breakfast and set a plate in front of him. I smiled some as he slowly started to eat before his fork suddenly dropped onto the plate. He was clearly scared by the sudden doorbell.


That couldn't have been our healer. She's early...too early. I crept over to the door silently and opened it before gasping in surprise.

" did you find him?"

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