Chapter 1

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This is my first one piece story I hope you liked it, I wanted to do just a one shots with that, but finally I make a short story !

Sorry if there's any grammars/ spelling wrong. English not my first language I try my best.


After Alabasta, the straws hats stop at flowers island, a islands cover in flowers, vines and different types of herbs. Where you were the princess of this Kingdom. Ur mom teaching you to be eventually the queen of this Kingdom. She was very and unnecessarily strict and violent with you. She didn't mind giving you some slaps when you did something wrong like pouring the tea with the wrong manners or forget someone important name.

Your dad ? The only time he cares about you was when your brother died because the futur of his and only his Kingdome was on your hand. The hand of a 'useless girl" for him. But one time he show you loves. It was when the straw hat take you with them.

It was a days like many others, you were learning how to pour tea correctly and others things 'useless' to you. All you wanted it was liberty.

You didn't mind being a princess and having responsability. But all you wanted was that ur parents let you go outside and explore many islands just for a couple of days.

Everyone every single time when u would evoke the subjects at dinner, ur mother would yell at you to learn some manners first and say something you did wrong just in the past couple of minute to prove u that ur not ready to go outside.

And this days, was the days that ur mother let you go outside just to practice you with your manners in front of ' stupid pirate's that it was 'not important' if you do mistake in front of ' poor people,'.

So you put your most beautiful dress and fix ur hair in beautiful waves letting them in liberty. Putting on the comfortable shoes you love the most and finally run outside the castle.

Greeting everyone you past by and eventually the straw hat. When I saw them, I feel envy. Why ? Because they're free. Free to go anywhere they want, to do anything they want.

But ur though was cut short when a men with blond hair come kissing ur hands with nose full of bloods and heart in his eyes.

"Please to meet u milady, my name is Sanji, I will do anything to make you happy, I will give you my soul if you want. Your so beautiful and pure and pretty.", He keep saying complimenting u as the captain you guess introduce himself.

" Hi I'm Monkey D Luffy ! I will become the king of the pirates ! And you are ?", just by one look at him, you knew he was strong, you didn't know why, but you knew he was gonna save you.

You take each corner of ur dress doing a reference to them and introduce yourself. " Welcome at Flowers islands, I'm princess y/n f/n, I will guide you."

" OMG SHE'S A PRINCESS HOW COULD I NOT GUESS ?!", He turn around like a tornado, hearts around him and finally stop in front me smiling. " Can I be your knight in shining armor and protect u all the way I'm here with you my princess ?", He bow in front of me while taking my hand and put my knuckles on his lips.

I laugh, " yes you can I give you my blind trust, do not disappointed me", he looked at me with a frozen expression and his nose became to bleeds heavenly and eventually he fly in the skrom the jet his nose was having.

" OMG SANJI STOP YOUR GOING TO DIE !!!!", a little pet came running and yelling at the blond men with total panic.

And it's how I met them. Eventually Luffy saw how my family was treating me and say his opinion to just me first.

They spend a first night in my castle as guest. Every night I couldn't sleep because of the anxious feeling that follow me everywhere I go. So I just go in the garden and try to make this feeling disappear.

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