Chapter 11

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Katakuri ? What is he going on the Sunny. a mirror ? Why am I in the air ? Where is everyone ? Is that a dream ? I guess. Suddenly, the vision change like a cut in a movie. I saw a forest with big mom in front of a walking tree. A tree ? Oh there is everyone. Oh Sanji is carrying me. He looks so cute. Why am I dreaming of that ? It's so weird. Is it some kind of premenitory dream ? I feel like I'm in a cinema.

The tree start to tell Nami how he have a fiance and she responds that then he can't die for her. At this sentence, Sanji smiled and kiss my forehead. It was like I was god looking at my people. It's funny.

Big mom was ready to attack again but Nami feeds Zeus, he seems to love this little black ball because he  follows us now. Did my body can take them too ? Can I take the energy of Zeus? If this is just a dream can I try ? I concentrate myself on the electricity that Zeus contain. I take a little bit of it, making Zeus yell of fear.

Everyone was confused of why he was yelling, but I saw my body reacting. The sky became yellow as a flash touch the ground making a big sound. A yellow wall that's goes from the ground to very far away in the sky appeared. Big mom was stopped by it.

Everyone eyes was on me. As my eyes was open and full of a yellow color illuminating around like a bulb. Small thunderbolt was escaping my body. A second later all of that disaspear like it was a dream.

"Did she just create a new attack ?", Pedro ask so confused of how I did that while sleeping. I'm just better. "I think so... she just used the energy of my black ball that was in Zeus body. So technically she uses a part of Big mom ?", Nami asked with his eyes open fully and sparkling of excitement.

"Shes my y/n !! She's formidable !! Y/n-chwannnn !!!", Sanji did a little dance of happiness with heart in his eyes. "Your plan was amazing !", Carrots said to Nami while hugging her with a big smile "you were so amazing too y/n ! But you can't heard me !"

Is this really a dream ? I look at my hands and suddenly I feel like blanking out again.

A couple of minutes later, I heard a voice "y/n wakes up it's time", I open my eyes slowly to see the figure of Jimbei. My ears slowly start to understand what is happening around me. Nami was having a conversation with Zeus ? Sanji was on the side of me looking at Nami with little lovely eyes making me a bit mad.

"Oh Jimbei where are we ? Sorry I- I didn't want to sleep that much", I said a small laugh escaping my mouth. "It's okay y/n ! We knew you were just a little bit sleepy !", Carrots said while hugging me. I up myself on my two feets. Stretching my arms and legs as the sound of big mom foot make bounce on the ground and in my ears.

Everyone start to encourage the tree as he starts to be faster. Tree was flying everywhere around us and nearly on us. "Gum-gum gatling !!", Luffy punch the tree in repetition while having his big smile like everytime. Sanji put a cigarette in his mouth with his serious expression that make me fall for him each time he does it, my heart skip a bounce everytime.

He then proceeds to sky walk and kick in repetition like Luffy the trees. Pedro just slash the tree with his electricity kinda sword.

It's getting hot in there ! I turned myself to see the face of Prometheus really close to us. Oh... that's probably the reason. He began to said how kingbaum betrayed them. Everyone jumps off of him. But my heart couldn't tolerate to let him die. Nami looked at him with the same opinion about it. She don't want him to die.

"Y/n don't do anything stupid !", Sanji said while taking a puff of his cigarettes. I smiled and did it anyway. "Shield protect", a shield appeared around  Kingbaum as promotheus was trying to kill him, I felt the burning sensation on my skin and how much it hurt. I didn't have scars like Kingbaum would had if he didn't have my shield. It just hurt so much. Kingbaum then ran far away of them with the shield as fast as he could. As my eyes meet with promotheus. Nami take my hands and force me to run along everyone.

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