Chapter 10

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Hi so this chapter was super glitched, so I made a another one and re published it. It's the same ctrlv ctrlc but yeah


"I won't approach you or the east blue", Judge said. I guess they finish their conversation. I smiled, Sanji nightmare is finish.

It's time to go now. I will be emotional at home. I have to protect my crew now. My new family.

"Y/n", I turned back at Judge, it's not the first time I saw him, many years before I saw him discussed with my father. "Your brother will be proud of you". Fuck, all the tears I was holding back start to fall all over my cheeks as my knees became week and I fall to the floor.

Sanji ran towards me and hug me. "I hate to say it, but he's right", I smiled at him and kissed him passionately. He was surprised and his nose started to bleed.

His brothers was looking away a little angry. "Y-y/n-chwan.. everyone is here, let's do it a another time-", his hands drop on my hips and he had that pervert smile on his face.

"Pervert", I laughed. "I'm not a pervert ! You are my girlfriend !", Sanji defend himself. "Sure sure", I laughed and take him one more time in my arms. Then, he wipe my tears with the back of his hands.

Bege start to yell really loud. We have to go real soon if Caesar don't decide. I will do it with my power.

"I'll do I-", a voice interrupt my sentence. "OPEN THE GATE", everyone is surprised by the sudden choice of Judge. " until you and Caesar fly away, Us Germa 66 will escort you !"

Caesar cried one more time about how it's his choice to make. " it's true you Germa 66 can fly too", Bege said, he's face is already almost full of blood.

It's time, they will go and after that we will.

"I don't want be indebt to this failure.", what did he say ? I look at Judge with disgusted. My Sanji is not a failure, he's a lot more strong than you are. You bitch.

I goes to one of the window while Bege transformed back to his human form.

It takes maximum 2 minutes before Luffy wanted already to help Reiju in difficult position. I look at Sanji and I know that pissed him off too.

"Gum gum !"
"Diable jambe, crosse !"

I knew it. I want to go too... . But second later it came worst I saw Luffy in gear mode in front of Big mom. I have no choice now. Let's try if I can do it.

I start to concentrate, "shield.." "no y/n don't start too !", I heard Nami voice coming to my ears. "We had enough with just two of them outside !" " I don't want to go out Nami I just want to protect them !", I yelled. I can't be useless anymore !

"SHIELD PROTECT !", Sanji and Luffy start to glow yellow. Itch it hurt. Chopper run toward me "y/n ! Your injury stop it !"

"Chopper I want to help ! We will died if we don't try", I yelled at him with my yellow eyes. He back off a little from my scream.

Sanji pov

I was running with Luffy in my arms and a yellow light start to glow around us. I immediately knew. Y/n ! I look at Bege. She have to stop it !

I look at Katakuri, he definitely know now. He look mad super mad. As he should that's my wife. But y/n use her power, her injury will be worst. Tch.

If we get hurt she will receive the impact because of her shield ! "Don't worry Sanji, I got this ! Please trust me !", I heard y/n voice coming from her shield. I sign "okay but be careful sweetie I don't want to lose you !"

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