Chapter 17

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The waves of the sea was calm and relaxing. It's been already two days since we get out of Big mom territory. I'm happy to see everyone again, but one person is missing. My sweet y/n. She's still asleep like sleeping beauty. Her fight was that hard ? I'm sorry I didn't do anything to stop it y/n... Chopper told us that you will wake up soon, but if you just don't wake up...

It's dinner time I should prepared something.. they must be starving. I get to the kitchen and start to cook. My heart felt so complete when I cook normally, but now it just feel empty. I'm so worried. "Sanji calm down you will cut your hands !", Nami wake me up from my over thinking, I look at my hands who was right in front of the knife.

"Are you okay Sanji ? You seems off.. I mean you look happy to be back, but not as happy as you were before. It's because of y/n ?", Nami-san sweet voice was like a soft pillow, I try to feel safe in it. "Yeah, I mean Chopper said that she will wake up soon, but I'm afraid Nami if she just don't wake up at all. I don't know what I will do. I don't imagine my life without her", I took my heads between my hands and tears began to flow. I felt Nami hands on my shoulder.

"Sanji, Y/n will wake up soon. She will wake up, I'm sure. She's strong. She's y/n. I'm sure she think the same as you right now. She doesn't want to abandon you and she's doing her best to wake up. So be strong for her", Nami always have the words to comfort us. I wipe my tears and look at her with a little smile. She pat my back. "Thanks Nami, you are really a sweet heart", I smiled and continue to do the dinner, but this time I didn't cut my hand off.

When I was finish I called everyone to eat. "Sanji why there is a another plate ?", Luffy ask and I clearly saw his intention to devoured the plate. "He did it for y/n obviously their so cute !!! YOHOHOHO", I'm so use to y/n being there that I didn't even saw I did one more dish... "You can eat it Luffy", I said while eating my plate.
I was in my bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about my life with y/n. All our time together. Suddenly, I felt a weight on my bed. My eyes meet with Chopper. "Can I sleep with you Sanji ?", I respond with a nod. "Sanji, Nami told me that you were worried about y/n, if that make you at ease. Y/n state got better today", I smiled at him and hugged him. "Thank you Chopper. Have a good night", he nods and we fall asleep.
The next morning, I wake up to make breakfast. I get up and head directly to y/n bedroom where she is. It became my daily routine. I talk to her a bit and head to the kitchen. A hour later, when I finally finished, I make my way to the bedroom. I got interrupted by my eyes getting blindfolded. "What ?!! What is happening?" "Don't worry Sanji it's us ! We have a surprise for you !", I heard Chopper giggled.

I felt hands in mine and I began to touch them. I could recognize them against hundreds. " y/n-chwannnn !!I immediately remove what cover my eyes and take her in my arms lifting her from the floor. I heard her laughing and happy tears began to flow around our eyes. I spin her around.

"SANJI.!! BE CAREFUL SHE JUST WAKE UP !!", Chopper yelled while Brook and Luffy was blowing their nose and wiping their tears. "Their so cute !! I wish I could find my soulmate like them ! YOHOHOHO!".

Y/n pov

I woke up in my room, what ? I'm asleep since when.. I- "y/n ! You are finaly awake !", I turned my head and my eyes meet with brown eyes and orange hair. I turned my head again and I saw a big flashing sun in the sky from the window. " since when I'm asleep ?", I saw her face change. It became more darker. " I will bring Chopper wait a minute" "but I just want want to kn-", I heard the 'clack' of the door.

I look around my room and my body. I got bandage everywhere, perfusion in my arms. My room is clean but got medical stuff everywhere. I heard the door open and I glanced at the little reinder. He jumped at my side and his little pat landed on my tight. He explained me that I've been asleep since 3 days and I was barely dead on the first day. He was almost crying talking about me being in live and dead. I took him in my arms.

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