Chapter 3

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"Sanji ?"

"Y/n omg are you okay ? Why are you here ? You were not with luffy ? Why ur getting married", he seems in total panic, his messy hair and his tired eyes. I guess he doesn't have a good sleep.

"I should say the same about you", I laugh and look at me confused before laughing. " It's not the time for joke y/n-san !", He said that with a big smile.

"I know I know don't worry it will be okay luffy will come and-" "he is already there.." " what ? How do you know that ?", Suddenly a voice came from the hall.

"Sanji where are you ? It's time !!" "I have to go y/n-san okay ? We will be meeting later! Don't worry I will save you and explain all to you"he kiss my forehead before leaving like a thief.

I'm left there confused and a blushing mess. He kiss my forehead... He is so cute.. I love him. It will be okay right ? I guess I will know later...

I have to go. Katakuri is waiting for me.

I enter to a beautiful room with flowers everywhere, like my islands. I have goosbumbs. And there I saw Katakuri already sit.

"Hi Katakuri !"

"Hi y/n how are you ? Ur lovely today."

"I'm fine I guess.. this place is lovely right ahah ?" It's so cringe.. I hate this place.

"Yeah I guess. You know the wedding is very soon.. So I guess we have to know each other", Katakuri said. I didn't expect him to be so open about the wedding.

"I guess.. can you start ? I'm actually a little bit shy and.. I don't know." " Yeah sure" he talk about his childhood, how he train everyday and all. I feel like he didn't tell many people so much about him. He is cute in a way.

And I tell him everything about mine, I don't know it feel just right to talk to him. He is very comforting in a way. He is like a big teddy bear, in the first glance he is a little bit scared, but when you talk to him he is so sweet.

Hours passed before we realised.
"Y/n I'm so sorry for what happened in the past with your family but ... Hum I will like to say that you will never meet them again. But, they are invited to the wedding.."

"What ? What did you say ? No it can be true." I leave my chair in a jump. " Why you didn't tell me before ? I-"
" I'm sorry y/n I didn't know... I though it will be okay... And I didn't want you to escape I really start to like you..."

"I think... I need some time alone.. sorry", he didn't have time to reply that I run away. I need to talk about that with big mom, I need to talk about her and try to make her change her mind about inviting my family.

I start searching for big mom when I saw Sanji sister.

"Hi are you y/n ?" Last time someone ask me that it didn't goes good...

"Yeah it's me and you are Reiju, Sanji sister ? Or I say poison pink", I look at her, she don't seems dangerous or look like she's going to harm me.

"Yeah, sum thank you"

" Thank you for what ?" " For my brother, I know ur part of his crew and he seem happy when he talk about you and the others".

" You don't have to thanks me, I care a lot about Sanji so it's natural for me to take care of him, he is such a lovely person", I tell her with love in my eyes and butterflies in my stomach.

" You love him right ?", I blush instantly, it's so obvious ? " Yeah.. we can see it that much ?"

" No it's just the way you talk about him and with what Sanji said to me about you .." " he said what about me ?" "You will know later ask him !" And with that she left. What a strange girl, but she's so pretty ! I mean she's Sanji sister...

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