Chapter 15

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I don't like changing a lot of pov in one chapter, but I feel the need in this. So I hoped he will be good.


Livian. Livian sword. What ? Why is..
i took it in my arms and lift my upper body from the floor.I'm sitting in the sand as Cracker goes limping. My legs doesn't  want to move. I lost to much blood. I can't. I CANT LOOSE !

With all my strength left I passed electricity shock in my injury. It hurt so bad but it give me energy. It give me the andrenaline that I needed to.

"Remember y/n lift your sword like that not like that !", I remembered what my master said during my past training after my brother died.

"You're my sister. You're not weak. Don't give up !", Livian words while I was just a child. That's his sword, I can't lost with. He never lost with.

My crew.. my crew who help me get stronger. Who push me up when I need it the most.


"Oi y/n dont do that like this !", I heard Zoro voice in my back saying the same thing for the hundred times. "I know Zoro !", I sighed. "Then do it right !", he complained while drinking his sake.

I closed my eyes take a deep breath and slash the mannequin one more time. "You will never learn stupid woman" "OI MARIMO DONT CALL HER LIKE THAT !", I heard Sanji voice from the kitchen door taking my defense.

"Shut up Stupid Cook go back to your kitchen", can they stop ? I'm trying to concentrate. "Let's go y/n I believe in you !", Luffy bellowed. "I keep getting it wrong I can't do it, I'm useless.. it is useless, thanks Zoro for trying", Zoro just did his usual "tch". I heard Luffy saying something behind my back but it was too late. I was in front of my bedroom door and I opened the door before closing it in the middle of Luffy sentence.

"Give up Luffy she can't hear you anymore", Zoro grumbled. while putting his sake away. "I knew she was useless from the start", he get himself up and walk toward his usual sleep spot.

"Oi.", Zoro turned his back to see Sanji standing with a cigarette in his hand. "Took off what you said. Right now".

"No. I'm right.", Sanji took big step and was now in front of Zoro. "She is not useless. And she will never be, so cactus head, If you say that one more time I promise I will make you swallow you swords one by one.", he pass over Zoro who opened his mouth to say something. "And don't you dare say something you just insult a member of you crew. She's doing her best like we all did at the start"

Some hours passed after this, dinner came and Sanji knock on my door to invite me. I wasn't so hungry so I said I will eat later. It's now 10pm I didnt felt hungry.. I want to finish my drawing. I want to finish my new collection of clothes. Why do I even do that ? I'm useless...

I heard a knock on my door "y/n-chan can I come in ?", I heard Sanji sweet voice. My room was a mess but I don't have the energy to clean it right now. "Yeah come in..", he opened the door and didn't even care of the state of my room.

He looked at me, "you didn't eat all day, are you okay ?", he took my hands in is and kiss them. "I don't know... why am I even here ? I can't fight.. My clothes is not important to all of you its not like you will die without me !", I cried out falling into his warm embrace.

"Y/n. Listen to me. You are incredible, you are strong, stronger than you think. Do you think all of us knew how to fight since the start ? Do you think Usopp knew how to fight ?", he said that while shaking his head left and right making me laugh. He smiled while doing little caress on my back.

"You're not useless y/n. You are you and without you I don't know what will I do. You are my little assistant and our little stylist ok?", I nod with my head while whipping my tears.

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