Chapter 16

421 11 8

Just got fired but still slaying


"BRING HER TO MY ROOM !", Chopper yelled while Reiju go with Chopper into the infirmary. I watch y/n getting bring to her maybe death bed. My heart hurt.

"Sanji calm down. It's going to be okay. Y/n will come back", Nami tried to convince me that this is all right, but I saw in her eyes a terrible sadness. It was not me she was trying to convince but herself. "I'm sorry I should have stopped her !", I cried out and Nami hugs me. "Sanji, if y/n really wanted to fight Cracker, you couldn't stop her", Nami words were right. When y/n have a thing in mind she will do it.

"You have to go Sanji. Leave y/n to Chopper. She will be alright", Brook said while putting his bones hands on my shoulder. I smiled at him and nod.

I took a last glance at my brother's and Reiju. It's the last time I saw them and they safe my wife. "Thank you Reiju for y/n. I'm hope seing you again another time", she smiled at me and did a good bye wave with her hands.

"I'll leave the Sunny and my precious girlfriend to you guys ! We're entering the crucial stage !", I jumped on Pudding carpet. I hope it's going to be okay.
After Sanji left, Chopper was putting his whole heart to save y/n. He wouldn't want to give up. Everyone else was pretty anxious about y/n state. If she die ? They can't see their days without her.


It was a beautiful day on the Sunny. Everyone was on the deck playing, drinking and enjoying the moment.

Even, Franky was out of his ingeniery cabin and enjoying the sun. Suddenly, a loud voice even louder than Luffy break the silence. "oiii mina ! I want to show you something can you all go to the kitchen pleaseee ?".

They smiled at her, even Zoro was happy that day and they all going to the kitchen. "So... I was working on something this past days and I finally finish it !", a big smile appeared on het face making the crew smile except Zoro, he doesn't really like when y/n make something because that something is often evolved clothes. Something he don't really like.

"Who want to see their fit first ?", she said while pointing at all of them.

"Me !", chopper yelled." No me I'm the captain !", Luffy yelled louder. "Y/n please I want to see it first !", Nami yelled even louder. Y/n laugh and open her bag. "I actually have a idea who I want to try it first... Chopper come here !", he did a little dance and approached y/n.

She take out a little piece of black fabric with a red belt and a yellow belt who came from the shoulder to the waist. "How do you like it ?", He looks at himself and jumped on y/n. "I liked it so much thank you y/n !". "You are so cute Chopper !!!". She hugs him and Chopper did his little dance while saying "that doesn't make me happy little bastard ~~~".

Everyone tried their clothes and they loved it. They were matching outfit for everyone. "I don't think I will like it just put it away", Zoro said complaining. "Please Zorooo ! I do it as you like !", she begs him and almost put her two knees on the floor before someone grab her shoulder making her get up. "stupid Marimo don't make a lady beg you. Try it on and don't make a fuss", Sanji look at Zoro with destroying eyes.

"You look like a idiot in that clothes stupid cook", Zoro didn't know that his word didn't hurt Sanji of course, but y/n. She made them so.. She smiled and go back to her room in silence.

Everyone was mad at Zoro and scold him, try to convince him to go say sorry to y/n. After some hours, he let down his proud and go to your room with the clothes you made.

"I'm very sorry y/n. I actually love this clothes.. I think you made it cool for me.. you took my taste in notes". He lean against the door frame as you opened the door. "I appreciate it Zoro. Thank you". Everyone was looking in a small corner smiling.

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