Chapter 9

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Mention of death, degrading family.

This chapter is mostly flashback of y/n past so yeah.


"listen I'll change back to my human form keeping you guys inside. Then, Caesar will carry me and fly away to escape, If it goes well, we can get out of trouble", and if it goes wrong we died. But if we don't try, we will die too. It's a hard situation. I'm anxious.

I can't help them, I'm totally useless. It's a little bit of my fault if we are here. I start to scratch my arms out of anxiety and bit my nails. But suddenly a arm on my shoulder make me stop.

"Y/n it's going to be okay, look at me", it was Sanji, I look up to see his face and lost myself in his beautiful blue orbs. "We are going to get out of here, come back to the sunny and join the others ok ?", He pat my hair and kiss my forehead.

I smiled at him and take his hands in mine. "You're so beautiful when you look at me like this love". I blushed at the sudden compliment and hide my face in his chest making him blush back.

"I'm not totally used to us being together. I like this.. but it just feel unreal", he put his head on top of mine and hug me hard. I can feel his cheeks red and his little smile on his face.

That was so cute !! It will be cuter if Caesar can stop crying in the back, but for the moment I will take it like this. I can't wait to come back to the Sunny.

"Let me ask you a question", Judge voice make us go out of our little lovely bubble. This bitch. "Sanji", Sanji turn back and look at his father.

"Why did you save us ? We're hateful ennemy to you and we totally fell into the trap !", I feel like this is a private conversation. I know Sanji doesn't mind me being here, but I just want him to talk maybe one last time to his father.

"Because my father would be sad", this is the last sentence I heard from Sanji before stepping away from this conversation. I'm proud of Sanji, I know how his past is so difficult to him, but he doesn't step back infront of them.

This remind me of my fight with my father, did he really love me ? Why did he save me ? That's just crazy. I don't know what to do what to think. I kinda missed him.... I don't know how to express it.

Even thought, he hurt me and kinda mistreat me all my childhood. His still my dad. I don't know how I will react if I was in the same position at Sanji.

Did.. I really deserved to be here ? If I died in the place of my brother did everyone would be happier ? Did I really have a place in this world ? Why did I think of that suddenly ?

If my brother didn't died did everything will be different ? If that day...


It was my older brother 16th birthday. I was walking in the shopping area trying to find him a gift. He wasn't really difficult with what he wanted.

But it's always difficult to find a gift for boys.. 'I can't give him a perfume like each years ! Why I always be last minute for his gift !', this was the thought I was having at that moment. My little 10yo self was so bad with finding gift.

"Princess y/n ! What are you doing here alone ?", A old lady came towards me. "I'm trying to find my brother gift !", I smiled. "Oh ! How can I forgot it's the prince birthday ! I can't wait him to be our king ! I will probably not be here anymore !", She laughed but I don't know what's funny about death.

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