Chapter 5

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The strange man said I didn't need to bath, but I really want to. Searching for the bath around that strange castle. I find Nami.

"Oi Nami !!", I yell trying to get her attention.

"Ohh y/n ! I thought you wouldn't be here !", Nami smile at me and come towards me. She scanned my body probably trying to find if someone hurt me in that castle. I was surprised that everything was alright for her. She had no injuries at first sign.

"I couldn't miss this meeting ! I need to know the plan !", I said with confident tone. In fact, I need to know it because I'm scared If everything goes wrong.

"True true. Do you want to bath together ?"

"Sure !"

We enter the bath room and undressed ourselves.

"So with Sanji ?", I blush just by her mentioning his name. " Ouhhhh~~~~~ tell me what happened !" I remembered all that happen that night our kiss and his scent in my nose as he's hands was on me and his lips on mine. I already miss him. His scent of cigarettes and his cologne.

"He confessed... Or more I confessed.. and after he confessed, we kissed and now we're together", she squeak and kiss me a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you !!! After all those years ! Your finally together !", I laugh.

"Yeah.. but don't said to others... Yet ! I want to surprise them after with the news."

"I think they know already.. because everyone see the love you have for each other's."

"Yeah but they don't know we are a ...couple now", I was a blushing mess, I had a big smile across my face.

The water moving resound in the room and our hands that was moving in it splash water outside the bath. Nami was looking at me with those worried, suspicious eyes that I hate. I knew that she's going to ask me something and probably making me in some shit.

"I didn't wanna bring the subject now, because I know you came across a lot of emotions this days but, did you eat well ?", Nami question made me realise that during all the dinner I had with big mom, Katakuri. I didn't ate that much... I miss Sanji cooking and the anxiety made a knob in my stomach. When I arrived I thought everything was going to be alright, but time came by and I saw Sanji with Pudding, how strong Katakuri and Big mom are, Sanji family. All of that made me think I will never go out of here alive.

But I know one thing If my friends are in danger, I'll sacrifice myself for letting them go. I know Luffy would be angry, but if he want to be king of the pirates sometime we have to make sacrifice.

"I- it's hard you know. I had some dinners with big mom and Katakuri, the food was good, but I couldn't eat much. ", my voice was rough and my eyes was full of tears but I was maintaining them. I let a small smile escape my lips. "I understand when we will get back on the ship we will have a big party don't worry !"

We exit the bath and make our way towards the dressing room. It was so big ! They were so many dresses, I wanted to wear all of them ! But I was watching every dress to wear the perfect one. I know I will have to get rid of it after the meeting because big mom will get suspicious.

But I just wanted Sanji to find me pretty. "Y/n look at this dress !!", She was wearing a red dress with a seeing back and a turtle neck. "You are so pretty in that dress it really suit you !", I almost fell in love with her with that dress, Nami is so pretty.

"Now it's your turn ! Sanji is going to past out from your beauty !", I laugh and we start searching around.

We eventually came across a dark pink dress with black sleeves revealing my shoulder and black lace at the end of the dress and at the start.
With little black cord around ur neck.

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