Chapter 12

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I didn't thought Sanji will take me with him. I'm glad he did. And I didn't know he take me as he's co chef, I'm a stylist not a cook ! I just cook with him a few times.. and I keep cutting myself..

Katakuri pov

I can finally kill Luffy, when he's going to die I can finally have y/n. Or maybe I can make a deal with him so I can have y/n faster !

"Straw hats. I can make a deal with you", I said while crossing my arms and look at him in the eyes. "I DONT WANT A DEAL WITH YOU !", he yelled with his annoying voice.

"If you give me y/n. Im letting your crew go
For now." He look at me and blink a few times. "NEVER SHES IN MY CREW YOU WILL NEVER HAVE HER !"

I sigh and prepares to fight. I have no choice to fight for her my y/n. Flashback of her beautiful face came back to my brain. My love.

Sanji pov

First thing I thought when Chiffon-san tell me that I have to go with them to bake the cake was to bring y/n with me. I can't let her with the others, as  I know her too well she'll put herself in danger. And they give me a chance to cook with my favorite assistant she's not really good to be honest, but that doesn't annoy me. Everything she will make will be delicious.

Pudding-chan doesn't really react good to it, but I don't really care. Y/n is my future wife. I will do anything to please her. Her beautiful hair dancing with the wind as her beautiful body is snuggled against mine. Her little smile as she watch the ocean.

I'm glad Luffy take her in the crew. If he didn't I would have never find the love of my life. Which ring I'm gonna buy for my proposal ? How much money Nami will give me ? Y/n you drive me crazy I swear.

When I lost her for two years, I feel my heart break. Each days was hell. I was thinking about her every days, every hours every minutes. When I saw her back on the ship my heart stop beating for a minute. She was so breathtaking. I was so happy to see her. I dont know why I never confess to her back then. Maybe because she was so beautiful that I didn't even thought I was enough for her.


Back to the day Luffy and the crew got separated. Everyone was going their very best. Y/n was really impressive that day, I didn't saw her use her power that much. She keep attacking not stop even when her breath was messy and her leg was shaking from all the injury she had.

"Y/n ! Stop you will die if you continue!" I take her in my arms while her injured legs was getting her balance messy. "But Sanji my crew- the crew- where are they going ? I'm afraid I don't want to live a life without all of you !", she didn't  cry , she was just angry and confuse. Her eyes was full of sadness. Even when she's like that she's beautiful. I can't say anything. I just began to run and kicked with all my strength the robots who did that to her.

But I got send away. When I woke up I was on a islands full of dress up male. I train every days with them. I don't know if that was their purpose, but even if I don't want to accept that they really help me. When I saw the message Luffy left us, I was determined to see them again in two years much stronger. And prove y/n I'm a man for her.

I wrote letters for her, poem and dream about her each days. I don't know if one days she's going to see the letters it was just for me. I felt better writing this.

When I got back at Sabody, I was nervous of seeing her again. I was  wondering how much she change. How she's doing. What she was doing.

The first things I asked was If she was there. But I got respond that she didn't have arrived yet. I'm just so excited to saw her.

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