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A red hair boy took the paper news to see his new boundies but what he saw was much more surprising.

'Black leg Vinsmoke Sanji and Daughter of Zeus L/n Y/n is getting married !', as he read that he yelled in confusion. 'Indeed, the ex-fiance of Charlotte Pudding 35th daughter of Big mom and Charlotte Katakuri  second son of Big mom, were seen on Toa island's together as Black leg was proposing to Y/n', Kid couldn't believe what he read. Y/n is getting married ? The same y/n that were on Wano not long time ago and the same y/n he helped back on Saboady. He would have lied if he said he didn't have feeling for her. But he can just accept his defeat.


On a another side of the sea, big mom childrens learned the big news. Big mom was furious, she take that as a personal outrage against her. Katakuri who was getting better since the day y/n left, but his heart still will choose y/n over anyone else. He glance at the news papers and what was writing. A gentle smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

"She's pretty as always.."


On the straw hat boat, Y/n and Sanji was so preoccupied about the preparation. They were running everywhere. Invitation, music, food, dress, costume, the wedding place. Being always on sea and having a wedding it's difficult.

"Why don't you just do a little wedding around the ship ? No need to invite people !", Robin words were right, but I wanted to invite my friends and Sanji family. I know it's a big plan... but it's my big day. I sigh and I heard Sanji voice.
"That was my plan at first too, but I know how much you want a good wedding y/n, don't worry I will take care of it. I know I gave you a big job with asking you to do my suit", I smiled at him and hugged him. "You never ask me too muchhh ! Thank you my love", I kissed him everywhere in his face and I heard my captain saying ewwww like a child behind me.

I wanted to do my dress myself, but Nami and Robin wanted to go with me to try dresses. I was sure I wasn't going to find what I wanted but I try.

We tried sooooo many dresses, but with luck I find the one. The real one she was so beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her. I was sure Sanji would passed out with it.

Finding times to organise was as complicated as making sure everything was set for the wedding. But 1 years later, everything was ready for the best day.

We rent out a big castle for the wedding. It was so beautiful. I wish it was our home.

I was in my room, Nami was doing my hair as Robin was doing my makeup. "I'm afraid Sanji doesn't find me beautiful", they burst out laughing. "Are you kidding ?!!", Nami said while holding her tummy as she giggled. "Even with a plastic bag he will find you beautiful and today he will passed out from your beauty", Robin words really make me emotional. I'm so happy I'm gonna marry the love of my life.

My makeup wasn't too much but wasn't too little just perfect. My hair was in a beautiful bun I was wearing a crown on my head and my veil was tied to my bun. My dress was so pretty it was a princess dress with falling little sleeve, we can completely see my shoulder and flowers on it. It make me remember of my country. Its really pretty.

On the other side, a groom is really stressed about the wedding.

"What if she regret it ?!! What if I'm wasn't as handsome as she think ? What if-", I was completely anxious about the wedding, if y/n regret her choice. She is so beautiful inside and outside and I'm just a cook ! "Calm down lover boy. Y/n love you more than anything. You doesn't have to worry", Zoro word calm me down for one time as my heart was beating fast.

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