Chapter 8

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I considered naming my chapters like chapter 6 : Wedding should I ? Or keep just chapter 6 so it doesn't spoil anything ? Give me your opinion !


As we run towards Bege castle, Nami, Chopper and Carrots got catch by three of big mom Children. Smoothie, Oven and ... The genie thing. I try to help them but my electricity do nothing to those monster !

Eventually, my eyes lock on Sanji, he was still with his family. He was so handsome with his suit. What ? What I'm thinking I have to concentrate.

My body feel tight suddenly like someone grabbed me. "Y/n you are with them ?", I turn my head to see Katakuri. This was the worst situation that could happen. "No no ! I was pourchasing them !", I smiled at him and give him a quick peak on the cheek trying to buy him.

He blush " it's not the time y/n for that. You are injured what happen ?" "I will tell you later can you put me on the floor ?", He look at me with worried eyes and finally put me on safe floor. What can I do now ? I can't help my friends and if I do something suspicious Katakuri will probably kill me.

We heard some sounds and when I turn my head I saw the literally totally spies. Germa 66. I can help myself but to laugh. They're so ugly !!! Except Reiju, she's so pretty ! But Omg I never seen something so cringe ! No y/n don't laugh they help us !

Chopper, Nami and Carrots was now free and Sanji save Nami from falling on the floor and breaking some bones. I think that he didn't saw in what situation am I. I can't fight Katakuri I'm not enough strong and my condition is bad. How can I get out of there ?

"Y/n ! Don't close the gate y/n is there !", I heard Luffy yelling and saw Sanji turning around at full speed. His eyes met mine. I smiled trying to say it's going to be okay. Aleast they're safe and I'm going to be okay. Even if I'm not able to go out of there one day.

Sanji side

I was saving Nami-san from falling and hurting herself. I run as fast as I could in the castle, I'm so excited to see y/n and talk to her again this couple of minutes feel like days without her.

That's what I thought, " y/n ! Don't close the gate y/n is there !" What ? I thought she was her- I turn around at full speed and my eyes met hers she was beside Katakuri who clearly didn't want her to go. She smile at me, I know what she's trying to do ! I can't let her ! She did that once I can't let her did that twice !


We were on a island after water 7 because we needed Cola and some foods. That day, I decided to take my courage and ask y/n to come with me.

I search everywhere around the boat and didn't find her. "Nami-sann did you see y/n by any chance ?" "Oh yeah she was in her bedroom a minute ago! " " Oh thank you !", I smiled and make my way toward her bedroom. Her bedroom is special because she is the stylist of the crew. Her door is decorate beautifuly and her room is bigger than others.

I knocked and I heard her beautiful voice coming from inside. "Coming !", I get goosebumps just by her voice coming to met me. She open finally the door revealing herself in a short green flower dress with a good necklace around her neck with a little heart on it. The second, she saw me she dazzled me with her shiny smile.

That's make me lost my head and my bloody nose jetpack me in the air. "Sanji !", I heard her running towards me who was now lying down on the deck. "Your so pretty today y/n-chwamnn~~", she laughed and wipe my nose with her handkerchief. She help me get up and adjust my suit who was now messy. "Be careful I made this suit with very expensive fabric !", She looked mad but she's so cute. I smiled at her admiring her, her hair flying around because of the wind, her dress making the same thing and finally her beautiful e/c eyes who fix me.

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