Chapter 7

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It's my turn to shine now. Some big mom children was running towards me and I rub my hands together before saying " one thousand volt earthquake", I put my hands on the floor and the floor start to shake before ejecting electricity into everyone that was standing on it.

"MY Y/N-CHWANNNN IS SO FANTASTIC~~~!", I heard Sanji yelling from a couple meters away while he was running with Pudding. She takes this opportunity to try to shout him.

This bitch ! I look at them, but Sanji will work with it. I have to maintain the plan. I start to run towards Pedro I had to help him.

I take more electriticy in my body and put it in my feet so I can run faster, when I finally saw Pedro not too far something big made a obstacle for me.

"Dad", there he was, looking at me from his 2 meters in disgust. "Get out my way or you will regret this."

"You were so obedient how come you are like this now ?", He ask with a ironic voice. I know he try to push my weakness but I'm not weak anymore. "If you don't let me pass, I'll by strength."

He laughs " you want to fight me ? You'll loose." "I'm not sure of that".

I run towards him " one thousands five hundreds volt charge", electricity pass into all his body, but he just got goosebumps. EHHH ? I might have underrated him.

"That's all you got ?", He punch me straight into the stomach making me fly three meters away. " I admit that's a good punch". "Sonic speed kick" I began to run super fast and kick him in the stomatch with my feet joint. He fly into the wall.

My eyes turn yellow as I yell "electricity armor super charge." My body start to glow a golden color. He try to punch me again but he received two thousands six hundreds volt into his body. Making him shake.

I will not let him have a break now. I start running at 200 km/h towards him and punch him in the face making him fly directly into a tea pot tower.

" I can't believe I underrated my daughter", he said with a dark aura.
Not letting him rest I kick him in the jaw "two thousand medical shock." His jaw dislocked and a small amount of smoke start to go out of his ears and his nose.

I start slowly go backward thinking he was atleast unconscious and I could continue my path.

But my back crack and I start flying at a really fast speed. I had to electrocute myself making me stop moving.

"Bastard, this is not really fairplay to attack in the back", I said while taking off the blood that was falling across my face.

"You should watch your back then or you will die", bloods was coming from his nose, ears and head. But he seems okay, I really did not expected him to be that strong. He run toward me and punch me again and again and again and again. "So you take my devil fruit eh y/n ?! I keep it for your brother all those years ! I keep it as a memory from him and you ate it !"


The day y/n left was the day she gives up the idea of swimming ever again. She was just feeling useless for the straw hat. She knews her parents was hiding a devil fruit from her so the little eighteen girl run into the cave where a giant metal door with a code was.

The code was so simple too easy to guest. It was her precious brother birthday date. When the door open she saw the devil fruit on a pillar.

She slowly walks in front of it, looking at it for a couple of seconds. 'you have no choice, you will be fighting with strong enemy.' she ate it. It was disgusting ! She never ate something that bad in her life even Luffy's food was better !

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