Chapitre 14

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Sanji and I had to wear disguise on the way to the boat because big mom and the others, like this bitches name Oven, could recognize us.

Oven stopped us in the middle of the road with the cake. He took Chiffon and wanted to punch her, but her father help her with the help of Sanji discretion kick. But he didnt wanted to stop here. Even when Bege arrived, he keeps following us.

I watched him trying to determine if I'm going out to fight him. This isn't the guy I wanted to fight. "Y/n-san You seems to wait for someone, who are you waiting ?", Chiffon ask me with her baby in her arms. My hands became fist. "I'm waiting for Cracker. I wanna fight him", I said while looking at the horizon.

"Whattttt?!!!!!!!", I heard Pudding not too far away. "He will kill you in two seconds !", I looked at her. "Pudding, If everytime I had a fight with someone I will say that he will kill me. I would have never fight someone. You're going to see your brother getting defeated by me", I said with confidence. My hands was on the rail of the ship. I was watching the horizon with determined eyes. I'm going to crash him.

I look at Oven, I'll stop him. "Electricity Aqua charge", I put my hands over the water and electricity passed over 5 meters in the ocean, fish over the water completely fried. Oven get electrocuted from my electricity and get out his hands of the water.

Chiffon dad try to knock him out. But that doesn't really work. "Y/n did you just try to kill my brother ?", Pudding appeared with a sad face while the cook was watching us. "Yes and I'll do it again with pleasure", she close her mouth from my unexpected sentence. The cook had their eyes out of their orbit. I hoped they don't take me as a traitor for now, it will be a problem.

Suddenly, my eyes meet with purple hair. My smile grow on my face. I couldn't contrôle myself anymore. "I'm going", I said while I jumped over the railing. "You're going where ?!!", I heard Pudding yelling behind me. "Eating Crackers up". I heard Sanji yelling "WHATTTTT" behind my back before I jump as far as I can to the island. "ILL SEE YOU LATER DONT WORRY ! BUT I HAVE SOME BUSSINESS TO DO ! LOVE YOU !"

"Y/N-CHAN COME BACKKKK YOU WILL GET HURT ! YOU HAVE ALREADY PATCH ALL OVER YOUR BODY", I heard Sanji yelling, but at that moment I didn't cared. I clearly saw he was mad but I still waved him goodbye with a smile.

"Cracker" "Y/n", he was walking toward me and I was walking toward him. He began to form his biscuit armor and put his sword in his hand. "So you're that afraid of me Cracker ?", I start to pass electricity into my body. He didn't respond he just began to ran towards me as I dodged smoothly. 

He created a hundreds of warriors. "You want to play with that, I guess we will." My arms covers in haki. I'm not very good with it yet. I learned it back my 2years training and Zoro helped me on the ship. But it still a hard things to get. I knocked them all out of my way with my arms and electricity on my feet. "Stop hiding !"

"I'm not hiding ! Not my fault that you don't have power to create friends !" " I don't have to create them ! I already have them !", I kill one he create twenty others ones. That's annoying ! If we continue like that I'm gonna run off of stamina ! Katakuri said one time that Cracker have a lot of stamina, so I will clearly loose on that point.

"Do you like my game y/n ? I call that kill biscuit warrior while your captain die to your fiance", he laughs like a villain in a movie while my fist was getting bored of punching biscuit. "I have a better name, beat Cracker while his brother get beat by Straw hat Luffy." "You will never beat me y/n", he said while playing around with his warriors. "Bet on it."

"Electricity floor", my hand touch the floor and all our fight space began electric. The biscuit warriors began to shake on the floor and they wasn't able to move anymore. "That's not really fairplay of you", he smiled at me and jumped at me with his sword. I dodged it again and jumped on his back. "I guess it's equal now since you have biscuit soldier with you oups not anymore !". I touch his neck " one thousand fifty volt", his body shake and he fall on the floor. As I regained the floor.  "So will you take me serious now ?"

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