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Third person's POV

Waking up from the happiest night Giovanni ever had. He felt guilty. Guilty that he was mated to Diablo. Guilty that he could never be what he needed. Guilty that he would only drag him down and not help to upgrade his well-being, his way of life, or anything.

"I probably didn't even satisfy his rut. I HAVE BEEN SO FREAKING USELESS"

[A/N anything in italics is a thought]

Sneaking out of the bed scared of what would happen if Diablo woke up. Gee quickly made his way to pick up some clothes picking up his pants he accidentally took Diablo's shirt. Not caring and wanting to be as quick as possible he grabbed a jacket also not his and left the mansion of a house.

"I have to get away if he finds out that I slept with him. He's bound to be angry. All those sweet words were just those words. There would be no place for an F-class omega like me to be with an S-class Alpha like that."

Walking to the bus station, he was too tired to walk home. As he got off at the closet stop by his apartment he had come to some answers to what he was going to do.

"I'm going home, he won't be able to find me there. I'll go and stay with Mom for a little. By the time I come back, he will forget all about me."

Pulling out his phone Giavonni looked at the time.

"8:33 am. Yea he's up"

*** RING RING ****

"Hello. Uhh, Mom."

" Oh my. Von is that you"

"Yes Mom, it's me. Do you think I can come home for a little bit?"

"Is something wrong?...I mean of course you can come. You don't have to ask but if you're running from something you should know things never get better when you run"

"No, I'm not, I just need a break and I miss you."

"Okay then when do you think you will come"

"Today. If that's okay with you."

"That's fine. Giovanni, I love you.

"I love you too Mom"

Hanging up the call Giovanni ran up to his apartment to quickly throw some clothes and his toiletries in a bag. Passing by a mirror Gee saw that the jacket and shirt he had on were diablos not wanting to take them off because of the linger pheromones he decided that he would take them with him.

"It's a 2-hour train ride so let's see what they have. Oh, they have one that leaves at 12:45 pm. If I do that I'll have time to quit at the bar before I go."

Looking at the clock he saw it was already heading on 10 he quickly bought his ticket and headed to the bar.

"Gee what are you doing here you're not on the schedule."Michelle the owner said.

Feeling lucky Michelle was in and not John the manager from the other night

"I'm going to have to quit. I'm sorry I have a lot going on and I just need some time"

"Giovanni you don't have to quit your a very hard-working person and I know you wouldn't be saying you need to quit if it wasn't something serious. I can give 3 months off with paid leave and if you need more time then you can resign. But just know even after that you will always have a job here." Michelle said, pulling him in for a hug.

"Thank you so much"

"No worries "

Walking out seeing that it was still early Gee decided to go back home and make something to eat feeling his stomach growl and eat itself from the inside

**** Time skip****


My mother called out

Running to him feeling free from the thoughts of the real world.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too son"

*** Time Skip ***

"How's it taste"

"So good Mom just like I remember"

"As soon as you told me you were coming I started cooking I knew this would make my baby feel better"

"So Dad should be home soon"

"Yea, he had a lot of work to do on the farm. And he's not in a rush 'cause I may have accidentally on purpose forgot to tell him you were coming."


"Honey what's these suitcases out here for"

" Hi Dad"

"Gee, what? What are you doing here my boy"

"I just need a break from the city life"

Sensing something else Giovanni's father
Leo decided not to question further.

"Welcome home honey wash up ill bring you dinner" Luna gees mother said

"How long will you be staying?" Gee's father asked walking to the bathroom

Waiting for his father to come back to answer

" Maybe a month or two or three I'm not sure"

"Mhmm ok," Leo said looking at Luna having the gut feeling that something wasn't going right in Gee's life.

"You know you're welcome to stay as long as you need"

"Thanks, Dad"

After finishing his food Giovanni was feeling tired and decided to turn in early

"I think I'll turn in early tonight love yall"

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