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A/N The narrative jumps forward in time, subtly indicated by Giovanni's pregnancy progression. Rather than delving into extensive filler chapters, I utilize Giovanni's pregnancy timeline to guide the passage of time.

Giovanni nervously adjusted his shirt collar while waiting for Diablo outside the bakery.

Today was all about tasting cakes and solidifying plans for their impending wedding. Excitement coursed through him, though a hint of anxiety lingered over the remaining to-dos.

They had also recently purchased a newly built house on the outskirts, almost in the suburbs, with plans to move in a couple of months. Amidst the wedding buzz, Giovanni was now 22 weeks along in his pregnancy, adding another layer of anticipation to their future together.

As Diablo walked up to him from parking the car he spoke."Ready for our cake-tasting baby?" he asked, offering his hand as Giovanni seemed anxious.

"Absolutely," Giovanni replied, smiling warmly.

Giovanni and Diablo were greeted by the sweet scent of freshly baked goods. A young woman behind the counter welcomed them with a smile, leading them to a table adorned with an array of cake samples.

As they sampled each cake flavor and discussed their preferences, Giovanni felt a surge of excitement for their wedding day. Diablo's eyes sparkled with love and admiration as they made decisions together, their bond growing stronger with each choice.

After finalizing their cake order, Giovanni suggested they visit a nearby boutique to look at wedding attire. Excitement bubbled in his chest as they browsed through racks of elegant suits and dresses, imagining themselves walking down the aisle.

But their blissful moment was shattered when a snobbish retail associate approached Giovanni, eyeing him up and down with disdain. "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't think we have anything in your size," she said, her tone dripping with condescension, unbeknownst to her Diablo was close by listening.

Giovanni's heart sank at her cruel words, feeling self-conscious and humiliated. Before he could respond, Diablo stepped forward, his aura darkening with anger.

"Excuse me the fuck did you just say?" Diablo's voice was dangerously low, his eyes flashing with fury. "I believe my mate looks perfect just the way he is. I suggest you keep your thoughts to yourself. And as if it's any of your dumbass cunt fuck face business he's carrying my child. So if u have a problem with him you have one with me, and trust me you wouldn't like how I solve it."

The retail associate paled under Diablo's intense gaze and overwhelming pheromones, stammering out an apology before scurrying away.

Giovanni's heart swelled with gratitude as he wrapped his arms around Diablo, feeling safe and loved in his embrace. But also a sense of sadness. Sadness that grows from doubt. Doubt that he's not the right person for Diablo to be mated to.

They drove home from the boutique, and Giovanni's silence was palpable. Diablo glanced over at him, concern etched into his features.

"Is everything alright, Gee?" Diablo asked gently, reaching out to brush a comforting hand against Giovanni's.

Giovanni forced a small smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm fine," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Diablo knew better than to push, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease settling in his chest. He reached for Giovanni's hand, intertwining their fingers as he searched for the right words to ease his fiancé's troubled mind.

"Giovanni, you know that what that retail associate said was utter nonsense, right?" Diablo spoke softly, his tone filled with reassurance. "You are perfect just the way you are, and nothing anyone says can change that."

Giovanni nodded, but the weight of insecurity still lingered in his heart. Despite Diablo's words of comfort, the sting of the retail associate's cruel remarks cut deep, leaving him feeling vulnerable and self-conscious.

"I know, it's just... it's hard sometimes," Giovanni confessed, his voice wavering with emotion. "I try not to let it get to me, but..."

Diablo squeezed his hand gently, offering a silent gesture of support. He understood Giovanni's struggle all too well, the constant battle against society's unrealistic standards and judgmental attitudes.

"Giovanni, listen to me," Diablo said firmly, his gaze locking with Giovanni's. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever known, inside and out. And no one, not even the cruelest words, can diminish your worth in my eyes."

Tears welled up in Giovanni's eyes as he looked at Diablo, overwhelmed by the depth of his love and understanding. At that moment, all of his doubts and insecurities melted away, for now, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude for the man beside him.

"Thank you, Diablo," Giovanni whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Diablo leaned in to press a gentle kiss against Giovanni's forehead.

“I love you more than anything Giovanni, and it's obvious I need to try harder to show you that.”

The baby kicks.

“I think our little bean is upset that daddy said he loved mommy more than anything” Giovanni chuckled with tears in his eyes.

“I love you as well Bubba,” Diablo says reaching over the center console of the parked car to caress Gee's growing belly.

“Let's head back.”

As they entered the penthouse they currently lived in Giovanni spoke.

“I'm gonna make a quick dinner. What do you have a taste for ?”

“Anything you make is always exquisite.”

“So very helpful Diablo,” Gee said sarcastically.

Diablo chuckled and came up behind him kissing on his neck, and rubbing his stomach.

“I'm going to finish some business in my office I'll come out when dinner is ready,” he says, slapping Giovanni's ass as he walks away.

Giovanni's heart fluttered at Diablo's gesture, feeling a rush of warmth wash over him. As he began preparing dinner, his mind drifted back to their earlier encounter at the boutique.

Despite Diablo's unwavering support, Giovanni couldn't shake the lingering doubts that gnawed at his confidence.

As he chopped vegetables and stirred pots on the stove, Giovanni couldn't help but replay the retail associate's cutting remarks in his mind. Each slice of the knife felt like a jab at his self-esteem, reminding him of society's relentless pressure.

But amidst the turmoil of his thoughts, Giovanni found solace in the soothing rhythm of cooking. It was a familiar sanctuary, a place where he could channel his emotions into creating something nourishing and comforting for himself and Diablo.

As the aroma of herbs and spices filled the air, Giovanni felt a sense of calm wash over him. Cooking had always been his therapy, a way to find peace and center himself amidst life's uncertainties.

Diablo emerged from his office, the table was set with an array of delicious dishes, each one crafted with love and care.

Diablo's eyes lit up with delight as he took in the sight of the feast before him. He wrapped his arms around Giovanni from behind, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek.

"Wow, babe, this looks amazing," Diablo exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "You've outdone yourself once again."

Giovanni couldn't help but smile at Diablo's heartfelt compliment, the tension of earlier dissipating once again because of his mate.

As they ate, conversation flowed effortlessly between them, laughter and light banter filling the air.

With each passing moment, Giovanni felt his spirits lift, the weight of his insecurities melting away in the presence of Diablo's unwavering love.

After dinner, they curled up together on the couch, content in each other's arms.

As they watched the sunset paint the sky with hues of orange and pink. And they basked in each other's presence.

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