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Giovanni used the time locked away to observe, listen, and plan, with his newfound friend Victor.

One day, as Victor brought in the usual food and water, Giovanni decided to take a risk. "Victor," he whispered urgently, "I need more than just food and water. I need information. How close is Diablo?"

Victor glanced at the door nervously but then nodded. "I'll see what I can find out. But you need to be careful. Markus is getting more paranoid."

As Victor left, Giovanni felt a renewed sense of urgency. He continued to work at the ropes, his determination burning brighter than ever. He had to be ready for when the time came, and that time felt closer with each passing moment.

The next time Victor came, he brought a sliver of hope. "I overheard Markus talking. Diablo's getting closer. He's been spotted in the area, and Markus is on edge. You need to be ready."

Giovanni's heart raced. "Thank you, Victor. I will be."

With the knowledge that Diablo was near, Giovanni pushed through the pain and fatigue, finally managing to loosen the ropes enough to free his hands. He didn't let on to Victor, keeping his new advantage a secret for the right moment.

Days later, the compound was abuzz with activity. Guards were on high alert, and Markus's voice could be heard barking orders. Giovanni knew the time had come. As Victor entered with his usual supplies, Giovanni grabbed his arm. "It's time, Victor. I need you to create a distraction. Anything to get their attention away from this room."

Victor nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll do what I can. Just be ready."

Giovanni waited, tension coiled in his muscles, as he listened for the sign. It came in the form of an explosion, shaking the walls and sending guards running. Giovanni took the opportunity to slip his now-loose bonds completely, and he darted to the door.

He moved quickly and silently through the compound, using the chaos to his advantage. He knew the layout from Victor's descriptions and made his way towards the exit. As he rounded a corner, he came face to face with Markus.

"Well, well, look who's decided to join the party," Markus sneered, drawing a knife.

Giovanni didn't hesitate. He lunged at Markus, using every ounce of strength and by some grace, he managed to land a blow knocking a surprised Markus onto the ground and hitting the knife from Markus's hand and using every last bit of strength he had to try and hold him down.

"You think you can escape?" Markus spat, struggling under Giovanni's grip.

"I don't think," Giovanni growled. "I know. Whether I leave on my own or my mate comes, I'll get out of here."

"Guess you have to wait," Markus says as he pulls out a syringe injecting Giovanni with a sedative.


Diablo stood in the dimly lit room, surrounded by his most trusted allies. Maps and blueprints were spread across the table, detailing the layout of the compound where Giovanni was being held. His face was a mask of determination, eyes burning with fierce resolve.

"We strike at dawn," Diablo said, his voice steely. "We move fast, and we move quietly. Giovanni's life depends on this."

His team nodded, their expressions equally grim and focused. Each of them had a role to play, and they were ready to risk everything to bring Giovanni home.

As the first light of dawn broke, Diablo and his team approached the compound. They moved like shadows, slipping through the perimeter with practiced ease. Diablo's heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation. Every second counted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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