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"You need to tell him, Giovanni. He's your mate regardless. I know you're scared but did you ever get the chance to talk to him? You made the rash decision to leave out of fear and while I understand that, do you want to live a life of sorrow knowing that your mate is out there probably looking for you? And especially with your pregnancy the longer y'all are away from each other the sicker you will be. The mate bond has already been accepted within your soul and I'm sure he has accepted it as well." Luna said to his son.

Giavonni glanced out the car window, watching the world pass by in a blur of buildings and trees. His mind was racing, trying to process everything.
As his mother's words lingered in the air, Giavonni's thoughts shifted to the person he needed to contact. Him. The father of his unborn child. His soulmate. But how? How could he find the courage to reach out and share this life-altering news?

Emilia, sensing her friend's turmoil, reached over and gently squeezed Giavonni's hand. Her presence was a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions swirling within him. "We'll figure it out, Gio," she whispered, her voice infused with determination.

Giavonni took a deep breath, summoning the strength to face his reality head-on. "I'll find a way, Mom," His mother's eyes softened with understanding, mirroring the love and support he had always shown him. "You've always had a strong spirit, Giovanni. I do not doubt that you'll handle this with grace and resilience."

As the car rolled to a stop in front of their home, Giavonni felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety building within him. He knew that opening up this chapter of his life would unleash a whirlwind of emotions, both within himself and those around him. But he also understood the importance of honesty and facing the truth.

Giavonni furrowed his brows in frustration as he scrolled through endless search results, his eyes growing weary from the relentless glow of the computer screen. He had been on a relentless quest to find a way to contact Diablo, But the digital abyss had been unyielding, leaving him disheartened and overwhelmed.

Days turned into nights, and Giavonni's determination only grew stronger. Now, standing at the precipice of discovery, Giovanni refused to be deterred.

His search had taken him through countless forums, obscure websites, and even the darkest corners of the deep web. Yet, all he found were dead ends, false leads, and cryptic riddles that only deepened the mystery. Frustration gnawed at his resolve, but he refused to succumb to defeat.

He needed to find his mate, the father of his unborn child.


Days have passed and Camilla is making her journey to the Ardsley Household Upon arrival she meets with Leo Giavonni's father.

"Umm Hello, my name is Camila Mendez. My son's name is Diablo and I do believe that he and your son are mates."

"Just wait here I'm not the person you need. Let me get my husband."

" LUNA" He yells running into the house

"Yes honey"

" There is someone outside who I think you should talk to"

Walking outside Luna sees Camila and they begin to talk about the whole ordeal between Diablo and Giovanni. Not telling her all the details such as Giovanni's pregnancy.
Luna thought it would be best If Camilla came in and waited until Emilia and Giovanni were back home.

"Momma Who's car is out front," Giovanni asked, walking into the house.

Standing up to greet him she spoke."My name is Camila Mendez" It's so nice to meet you.

"I would like to talk to you. My son Diablo is searching for you. It is my understanding that you and Diablo are mates. Now I know that you probably ran because you were worried and I get that. I ran when I met his father. It's hard to be mated to an alpha let alone an extremely dominant one." She spoke.

"It's not just that. I'm not right for him. He deserves an omega equal in stature. Equal in class, and I'm not it."

"Trust me, sweetie, there would be no other omega he would want. I have raised my son so that everyone, no matter race. Gender or second gender are to be equal in his eyes."

He began crying from the words that Camilla had shared with him. Her phone began ringing. She dug it out of her pocket and answered looking at the caller ID. Putting it on speaker. (I know Diablo and his mom normally talk and Spanish but for this, I'm gonna have them speak in English)

"Yes my love"

"Mom, did you find his house? I can't take it any longer. I need him. He's my mate. I just don't know what I could do to make him see that. There's no other person I would want to be with. I know we didn't get the chance to get to know each other, but the mate bond just feels so right. Even if we had not met, it was almost as if we were made for each other. Like the moon goddess designed the both of us for one another," He said.

"Do you mean that?" Gee spoke.

"Gee. Oh Fuck. is that you"

"Yes, it's me."

"Please come home to me Giovanni. I don't know what I did but. Please. You're my mate we haven't even gotten a chance to talk. I'm sorry just please."

"Um, can we talk in private? Only if you don't mind me using your phone"Giavonni says to Camila.

"Yes of course my dear," Camilia said giving the Phone to Gee.

"What do you think about coming here? I met your mother and I would like to meet your father as well. And I would like for you to meet my parents and I have something I would like to share with you all"

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