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  Giovanni stood there, holding the phone, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he made a good decision, inviting Diablo and his father over. He took a deep breath, his mind racing with thoughts and possibilities.

"Yes, I think that would be best," he said to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. He handed the phone back to Camila, his hand shaking slightly.

Camila, seeing his hesitation, gave him a reassuring nod. "You're making the right decision, Giovanni. I believe in you. And trust me when I say Diablo will love and cherish you until his last breath. I know this for certain.”

A sense of calm washed over Giovanni. He knew he had to face his fears, his doubts, and his insecurities. He knew he had to go back, not just for Diablo or himself but for the life now growing inside of him.

Meanwhile, Diablo was waiting anxiously for Giovanni to send his address; he spent the next couple of hours preparing everything he would need to go to the countryside and bring back his mate.

Now, he could feel a shift in the air, a change that filled him with hope. He knew Giovanni was everything he ever wanted,needed, craved. He was the very essence of his existence.

As Diablo prepared to leave, his father watched him with a knowing smile. "Diablo," he said, his voice deep and resonant, "I'm proud of you son.”

Diablo nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thanks, Dad"

His father reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder. " But remember, Diablo, it's not just about what you're gaining, but what you're also giving. Be patient, be understanding, and be loving.  Giovanni won't just be your mate, he will be the mother to future children, the person you build a home with."

Diablo nodded again, his heart swelling with a newfound sense of responsibility. He was ready.

As they arrived at Giovanni's house, the air was filled with a strange mix of anticipation and trepidation. The house was a quaint, rustic structure, its walls weathered by time and the elements. The sight of it filled Diablo with a sense of peace, a feeling he hadn't experienced in quite some time.

Giovanni, seeing them approach, came out to meet them. His face was a blend of relief and anxiety, but his smile was genuine. "Diablo, Mr.Melendez, welcome," he said, opening the door wide.

Diablo stepped inside, his heart pounding in his chest. He was stepping into a new phase of his life, one that promised love, companionship, and a family. He was ready, and he knew, deep down, that this was where he truly belonged.

“Let's give them some time to talk, Gio, why don't y'all go upstairs,” Luna said.

Giovanni, hearing his mother's words, turned to him with a grateful smile. "Yes momma,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Diablo, too, acknowledged Luna's suggestion with a nod.

As they moved upstairs, Giovanni felt a surge of emotions. He was about to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Diablo. He was about to discuss their future, their shared dreams, and the life they were about to build together.

Diablo, on the other hand, was filled with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

As they sat down on the bed, Giovanni took a deep breath. "Diablo," he began, his voice shaky.

“I'm sorry.”

"No, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for baby.  Don't get me wrong here, I don't regret it. But I should have exercised restraint. The moment I felt myself losing control, I should have exited that room. We should have taken time to converse and become acquainted with each other. Damn, I should have been able to court you, to shower you with affection and presents. I should have made it a memorable experience. Instead, like a complete fool, I ruined it. You are my mate, my omega. I should have waited. I must be the most inept alpha, having consummated our relationship on the very first day we met, which is utterly disrespectful. You were not in a headspace where you could decide if you wanted me or if it was instinct mixing with pheromones.
And I-”

“Diablo, wait. I wanted it, I wanted you. I still want you. I was just afraid. We are from two different worlds. I just don't want you to feel embarrassed about being mated to an F-class omega like me a male omega nonetheless” Gee says on the verge of tears.

"My darling. I would never feel shame or embarrassment. You were destined for me. And I assure you, nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, will prevent me from making you mine. Traits such as class, gender, or secondary gender are not ones we choose for ourselves. We do not influence what we will become. I see beyond all that. I'm not seeing a male omega. I'm seeing Giovanni Ardsley.”

Giovanni, heart swelled with love and admiration hearing Diablo's words. He reached out hugging Diablo and whispered in his ear."I want you to know that I'm not afraid of our differences in social status. I see a man who is kind, compassionate, and understanding. I see a man who will always be there for me.'' Taking a breath Giavonni gathers his courage. “I see a man who is ready to be a father.”

“What do you mean Gee? Are you telling me-”

Giovanni cuts him off from nervous “I'm pregnant”

Diablo, shocked but excited, leans in, pressing his lips against Gee's in a tender kiss. The tension of the past days melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and love. They held each other close, their hearts beating in sync, their souls intertwined.

As they pull back, Diablo looks directly into Gee's eyes and speaks. "I love you, And I promise you, I will always be there for you. I will always support you. I will always love you. And I know it may be too soon to say all that but what I'm feeling for you is not a simple like or lust it's love in every sense of the word."

“No I understand,  I love you too,” he says, eyes shining with happiness and brimming with tears.

With that, they sealed their promise with another kiss, their hearts beating in unison, their souls intertwined forever. They were no longer just Giovanni and Diablo, they were mates, partners, and soon-to-be parents, ready to face whatever the future held together.

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