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The lavish three-story home exudes opulence with its contemporary design.

The open floor concept seamlessly connected the living, dining, and kitchen areas, adorned with sleek gray, black, and white finishes that exude sophistication.

Guests marveled at the luxurious setting, their eyes drawn to the expansive pool and hot tub nestled in the back, adding a touch of relaxation to the elegant atmosphere.

Giovanni found himself amidst Diablo's inner circle, listening intently as they spoke of Diablo's true dealings, far darker than Giovanni had ever imagined. The revelations weighed heavily on him as he realized the depth of Diablo's involvement in criminal activities.

"So, Giovanni," Marco, one of the henchmen, said casually, "ever wonder what the boss does to keep things running smoothly?"

Giovanni's brow furrowed as he glanced around, suddenly aware of the weight of their conversation. "I, uh, I'm not sure I want to know..."

But Marco pressed on, his tone conspiratorial. "Let's just say, it's not all rainbows and butterflies. The boss has got his hands dirty more times than you can imagine. But it's all for the greater good, right?"

Giovanni's stomach churned at the thought, his mind racing with implications. "I... I need some air," he muttered, excusing himself from the conversation.

Amidst the celebration, Giovanni's anxiety reached a breaking point. He couldn't ignore the dangers lurking in the shadows, threatening the safety of their growing family. When Diablo confronted him about his distant demeanor, their exchange escalated into a fiery argument.

"I can't do this, Diablo," Giovanni confessed, his voice strained with emotion. "I won't subject our child to this life of fear and violence."

Diablo's features hardened, his disappointment palpable. "I've kept you safe this long, Giovanni. I'll continue to protect our family, but I need you to trust me."

Giovanni's eyes flashed with frustration. "Trust you? How can I trust you when you keep me in the dark about your dealings? What else are you hiding from me?"

Diablo's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. "I do what I have to do to keep us safe. You know that I would never let anyone hurt you as long as you're by my side I can and will protect you and that's the end of this.” Diablo said, walking away.

The anticipation hung thick in the air as Giovanni and Diablo stood side by side, surrounded by friends family, and “Employees” all eagerly awaiting the moment of revelation. The room buzzed with excitement, but beneath the surface, tension simmered, palpable and undeniable.

With a nervous smile, Giovanni reached for the oversized balloon, his hands trembling ever so slightly. Diablo's gaze never left him, a silent reassurance amidst the swirling emotions that threatened to consume them both. Giving Gee some comfort in knowing that their argument hadn't caused Diablo to care less about him.

As Giovanni pierced the balloon with trembling hands, a shower of blue confetti erupted, painting the room in a sea of shimmering azure. Gasps of delight filled the air as the truth was unveiled, but for Giovanni and Diablo, the joy was tinged with an undercurrent of apprehension.

Amidst the cheers and applause, their eyes met, a silent exchange of emotions passing between them. The weight of their reality bore down upon them, a reminder of the uncertain future that lay ahead.

And as they basked in the glow of their loved ones' excitement, Giovanni couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach. For beneath the surface of their celebration lurked the shadows of doubt, casting a pall over their joyous moment of revelation.

"Congratulations, boys! We're so happy for you," Giovanni's mother exclaimed, enveloping them in a warm embrace.

Torn between the conflicting emotions swirling within him, Giovanni forced a smile, masking the turmoil in his heart. "Thank you, Momma," he murmured, his voice strained.

Diablo's father clapped him on the back, a broad grin spreading across his face. "You're going to make great parents, just like us," he chuckled, oblivious to the tension that hung thick in the air. Too excited about his grandson to be looking between the lines like normal.

But as their parents showered them with good wishes and congratulations, Giovanni couldn't shake the gnawing sense of uncertainty that overcame him.

As the last guest bid their farewells, Giovanni and Diablo found themselves alone in the dimly lit room. The remnants of the gender reveal scattered around them, a stark reminder of the tension that lingered in the air.

Giovanni's heart weighed heavy with apprehension as he watched Diablo, his mind racing with unspoken fears. "Diablo, we need to talk," he began, his voice barely above a whisper.

Diablo turned to him, his expression a mix of confusion and frustration. "What now, Giovanni? I'm trying so hard right now to hold back because I love you and I would never hurt you but you're making it extremely hard for me right now. You don't trust me and it fucking hurts more than any shit I've ever experienced. Can't this wait? " he snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Giovanni shook his head, his resolve firm. "No, it can't wait. Not anymore," he replied, his voice tinged with urgency.

And so, in the quiet aftermath of the gender reveal, Giovanni poured out his heart, laying bare his fears and doubts about their future as parents in the mafia. Each word weighed heavily in the silence, hanging between them like a fragile thread.

Diablo listened in silence, his jaw clenched in frustration as Giovanni's words pierced through his defenses. "You think I don't care about our child's safety? That I won't do everything in my power to protect them?" he retorted, his voice laced with hurt.

“I would die for you and our baby boy. How are you not seeing that? I can't leave this life I was born into.”

“Diablo. I know that I just. I don't know, I'm just scared.”

"Scared? Do you think  I'm not scared too? Every day I wake up wondering if today is the day I don't come back home to you and or our unborn child. But I still do what I have to do to keep us safe," Diablo countered, his tone firm.

Giovanni's eyes filled with tears as he searched for the right words. "I know you do, but what if it's not enough? What if one day, they come for us and we can't protect our son?" he pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion.

Diablo's frustration boiled over as he slammed his fist against the table. "Damn it, Giovanni! We can't live our lives in constant fear. We have to have faith in each other and ourselves. We're stronger together than we are apart," he argued passionately.

"But what if our love isn't enough to shield him from this life? What if he grows up to be trapped in this never-ending cycle of violence and betrayal?" Giovanni questioned, his voice breaking with despair.

Diablo reached out, his hand trembling as he cupped Giovanni's cheek. "Then we'll do everything in our power to show him a different path. We'll teach him love and compassion, and we'll protect him with everything we have. But we can't let fear control us, He doesn't have to be a part of the mafia family. He has no obligations it will solely be his choice." he said softly, his eyes pleading for understanding.

Giovanni's heart ached at Diablo's words, torn between his love for his partner and his fear for their future. "I want to believe that, I do. But how do we know we're not just fooling ourselves? How do we know we're not leading our son into darkness?" he whispered, his voice filled with doubt.

As Giovanni's voice rose again his words ignited the room like a powder keg. "I've had enough of your lies, Diablo! You promised me a life together, but how can you be sure I won't lose you!"

Diablo's eyes flashed with fury, his voice a thunderous boom. "You gotta be kidding me right now! What else can I say to you, to make you believe me."

Diablo stormed out of the room to cool down, not wanting to stress out his pregnant mate any more than he had. Giovanni hurriedly backed a bag and slipped out, his mind consumed by emotions and his growing belly weighing him down. Unbeknownst to him, lurking in the shadows was one of Diablo's sworn enemies, ready to strike.

And as Giovanni stepped out into the night, his world about to change forever, the air hung heavy with anticipation.

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