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The sleek black sedan hummed along the winding country roads, carrying Diablo and Giovanni back from the Ardsley residence.

Giovanni gazed out of the window, the picturesque scenery blurring into a haze of uncertainty for what next.

Time skip(1month 2 weeks)
They had fallen into a rhythm, a delicate dance of shared space and intimacy within Diablo's home. Giovanni had embraced the newfound sense of belonging, relishing in Diablo's gestures of affection and the promise of a future together. But lately, that future seemed to slip further from Giovanni's grasp with each passing day. Diablo had grown distant, his once warm and attentive demeanor replaced with a cold detachment that left Giovanni feeling adrift. He returned home late, slipping away before dawn broke, leaving Giovanni to drown in a sea of unanswered questions and unspoken fears.

“Is he mad at me? I just don't understand.” Giovanni whispered to himself.
As the car pulled into the driveway of their home, Giovanni's heart sank like a stone. The weight of Diablo's silence bore down on him, suffocating any hope of reconciliation. Giovanni longed to reach out, to bridge the growing chasm between them, but fear held him back, a suffocating grip around his heart.

“If I bring it up he might get angry. I just don't want him to be upset. We have had a lot of good memories in this short time. I thought we were truly doing good. I wonder what's wrong.” he spoke to himself again.

In the quiet hours of the night, Diablo sat hunched over his desk, surrounded by scattered sheets of paper and flickering candlelight. His brow furrowed in concentration as he meticulously crafted his plan, each detail carefully chosen to ensure perfection. He poured over maps of locations, searching for the ideal spot to pop the question, a place that would capture the essence of their love while he felt that yea it was a little fast to propose to Gee but he was almost in his second trimester and he wanted him to have the Melendez last name before he gave birth. He would pop the question and have all the papers lined up so Gee could officially be tied not only by the mate bond but in name. Then after he has given birth he would throw Giovanni a wedding as beautiful as him.
With a determined gleam in his eyes, Diablo sketched out the intricacies of his proposal, envisioning every moment leading up to the grand reveal. He imagined Giovanni's surprised smile, the sparkle of joy in his eyes, and the overwhelming rush of emotion as Diablo pledged his heart and soul to him forever. And as he poured his heart into each stroke of the pen, Diablo knew that this would be more than just a proposal—it would be a testament to the depth of his love and the promise of a future filled with endless possibilities.
All are unaware of the feelings of sadness brewing in Giovanni.Leading to yet another terrible mistake.
As the days stretched into weeks, Giovanni found himself consumed by doubt, his once steadfast confidence crumbling like sandcastles beneath the relentless tide. He questioned himself, wondering if he had done something wrong or if he had somehow failed to live up to Diablo's expectations.
Giovanni's mind replayed their moments together, the whispered promises and shared dreams now tainted by Diablo's silence. He longed for the warmth of Diablo's embrace, for the reassurance that their love was strong enough to withstand the trials they faced.
Walking into the house one day Diablo felt a little uneasy, walking into the house he called out.




"Giovanni, is everything alright?" Diablo asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Giovanni looked up, his eyes betraying a mixture of sadness and exhaustion. For a moment, he seemed taken aback by Diablo's question before a small, weary smile graced his lips.

"I'm okay, Diablo," Giovanni replied, though his tone lacked conviction

Diablo studied Giovanni for a moment.

“No, you're not. Tell me what's wrong Gee, if it was something I did please tell me I hate to see you look this sad.”

Diablo's heart ached as he watched Giovanni struggle with his emotions, the weight of his sadness palpable in the air. He moved closer, gently placing a hand on Giovanni's shoulder, silently urging him to open up.

"Gee, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Diablo said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.

Giovanni hesitated for a moment, his gaze dropping to the floor before he finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's just... I feel like we're drifting apart, Diablo. You've been so distant lately, and I don't know what I did wrong."

Diablo's heart clenched at Giovanni's words, realizing the pain his silence had caused. Guilt washed over him, mingling with the overwhelming love he felt for Giovanni.

"I'm so sorry, Gee," Diablo murmured, his voice laced with regret. "I didn't mean to shut you out. It's just... I've been so caught up in planning something special for us, something to show you how much you mean to me."

Giovanni looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes as he met Diablo's gaze. "What do you mean?"

Diablo took a deep breath, steeling himself to reveal his plans. "I've been planning to propose to you, Gee. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, to build a future together. But in my excitement, I neglected to see how my actions were affecting you."

Tears welled up in Giovanni's eyes, a mixture of relief and joy washing over him. "Oh, Diablo," he whispered, overcome with emotion. "I had no idea... I love you so much."

With a tender smile, Diablo pulled Giovanni into his arms, holding him close as they shared a moment of pure connection.

In the moment Diablo thought this would be as perfect as anything. Pulling away from Gee he got down on one knee.

“This wasn't how I planned it at all. I wanted to give you a proposal you deserve but enlighten of the circumstances. I guess now is as good of a time as any. Giovanni Ardsley Will you make the happiest Alpha in the world and marry me?”

Busting out in tears. Gee jumped on him.

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