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A/N Anything in italics is a thought

Diablo sighed, his features softening as he turned to Giovanni. "It's not just about one mistake, Giovanni. It's about respect, accountability, and ensuring that everyone in this company understands the value of treating others with respect, especially someone in power. We may be gangsters but we have rules on how we operate and respect is at the top"

He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Ms. Johnson's behavior today was not only disrespectful to you but also reflects poorly on the organization as a whole. As a leader, I have to set a standard for how employees should conduct themselves, and unfortunately, her actions fell short of that standard."

Giovanni nodded, understanding Diablo's perspective but still feeling a pang of sympathy for Ms. Johnson. "I see your point, Diablo. It's just hard for me to see someone lose their job over a mistake." Feeling guilty that it was his fault he became sad.

"She lucky that's all she received for disrespecting you."

Shivers ran down Giovanni's spine as he suddenly remembered the kind of business that Diablo and his family were involved in.

Diablo pulled Gee in offering reassurance. "But I do understand, love. And I appreciate your empathy. But sometimes, tough decisions need to be made to uphold the values and integrity of the company."

Giovanni smiled gratefully, leaning into Diablo's touch. "Thank you for standing up for me, Diablo. It means more than you know."

Diablo returned the smile, his eyes reflecting warmth and affection. "Always, Giovanni. I'll always have your back, no matter what. That's what mates do. Now what did you bring for lunch?”

As they settled into Diablo's office, Giovanni unpacked the homemade lunch he had prepared with care. The delicious aroma of Italian cuisine filled the room, lifting their spirits and dispelling the tension from their earlier encounter with Ms. Johnson.

Giovanni couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and support he shared with Diablo. Despite the challenges they faced, their bond only grew stronger with each passing day.

Observing Diablo devour the meal he meticulously prepared stirs an indescribable sensation within his Omegan essence.

Diablo's P.O.V:

“The scent of his arousal fills the air, accompanied by the slick trickling from him. It's a struggle to maintain composure; every fiber of my being aches to take him right here in the office. But first things first, we must schedule an appointment to ensure our little one's well-being and inquire about the possibility of intimacy. Otherwise, it'll be one hell of a task to hold back, but I'll do whatever I need to do to protect my mate and baby even if it's from myself.”

"Diablo, what's with the serious expression? Is there something wrong with the food?" Giovanni's voice breaks through my thoughts.

"No, love, everything's perfect with the food. I was just lost in thought."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. We need to book an appointment with the OB/GYN. We need to get you checked up to make sure everything is moving smoothly. "

"I was discussing that with your mom earlier. She provided a doctor's contact. I'll give them a call later."

"Why wait? Let's call now." I press the intercom button. "Darla, postpone all meetings by 45 minutes."

"Sir, I was just coming in to discuss that with you," Darla responds.

"What's the matter?"

"I'll transfer you to Mr. Melendez; he can explain."

"Diablo, are you there?" My dad's voice comes through the line.

"Yes, Dad, what's up?"

"Take the rest of the day off. Nigel informed me about the incident at the office. Spend the day with your mate. No arguments. I'll cover your meetings. And give Giovanni my regards.”

Third person's POV:

After hanging up the phone, Diablo turned back to Giovanni and relayed his father's instructions. Together, they decided to proceed with calling the doctor's office. Upon reaching the doctor's office, Diablo discovered that the physician was a close family friend and they were advised to visit the same day at 1 p.m.

Giovanni glanced nervously out the car window, watching the trees blur past as Diablo drove. He felt a mix of excitement and anxiety knotting in his stomach. Today marked their first visit to the OB/GYN since discovering he was pregnant.

"Are you okay?" Diablo's deep voice broke the silence, concern evident in his tone.

Giovanni nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just a little nervous, you know?"

Diablo reached over, gently squeezing his hand and releasing calming pheromones. "You'll be fine. And our little one too."

Their conversation drifted to the gender of the baby. Giovanni confessed he didn't have a preference, as long as their child was healthy. Diablo, however, expressed his desire for a baby boy.

“I'll teach him everything I know, pass down our family's traditions," Diablo smiled

Giovanni chuckled, leaning his head against the headrest. "And what if it's a girl?"

“Then she will be as gorgeous and kind-spirited as her mother”

As they neared the clinic, Diablo's tone shifted, his voice filled with determination. "You know, Gee, I've been thinking. We should start looking into building a house, a real home for our family."

Giovanni's eyes widened in surprise. "Already? But we haven't even—"

"It's never too early to plan for the future," Diablo interrupted, his gaze unwavering. "I want our child to have the best, to grow up in a place filled with love and memories."

Touched by his words, Giovanni felt a surge of warmth in his chest. He nodded, feeling a newfound sense of assurance. "I'd like that. Our little haven."

They arrived at the clinic, and Giovanni took a deep breath, steeling himself for the appointment ahead. With Diablo by his side, he felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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