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As wedding preparations commenced, Giovanni found himself immersed in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. Alongside his mother, Emilia, his best friend/cousin, and Diablo's mother began to plan for the celebration to unfold with meticulous detail. From selecting the perfect venue to choosing floral arrangements and tasting delectable cake samples, each decision brought them closer to the day they would unite as one.

One sunny afternoon, inspired by a surge of affection for his mate, Giovanni decided to surprise Diablo with a homemade lunch at his office. With a bag filled with Diablo's favorite dishes in hand, Giovanni made his way to the sleek, modern headquarters of the Melendez Corporation, his heart brimming with anticipation.

As Giovanni stepped into the sleek, modern lobby of Melendez Corporation, a nervous excitement danced in his chest. Carrying a bag of homemade lunch for his beloved Diablo was a small gesture of love he hoped would brighten his mate's busy day. But as he approached the reception desk, his anticipation soured into confusion and frustration.

"Excuse me," Giovanni said politely, his voice betraying a hint of weariness from the extra weight he carried. "Could you please call Diablo down? I have a surprise for him.

The receptionist, a gorgeous woman with piercing blue eyes, barely spared Giovanni a glance. Her dismissive tone cut through the air like a knife. "We don't do personal calls here without an appointment. You'll need to schedule one if you want to see Mr. Melendez."

Giovanni's heart sank. He struggled to contain his disappointment and the sting of the receptionist's rudeness. "But it's just lunch... for Diablo," he explained, his voice trembling with emotion. "Maybe I should start with an introduction. My names Giovanni,I'm Fiablos Fiancé.”

The receptionist's expression remained cold and unmoved. "Oh yes and I'm his mate,” she says sarcastically, not believing what he just said.”But I'm sorry, sir, but rules are rules. You can leave lunch here with me, and I'll see that Mr. Melendez gets it.”

Feeling defeated, Giovanni thought about handing over the bag of food, but in his heart, he felt something wasn't right. He couldn't understand why a simple act of kindness was met with such resistance. As he turned to leave, a wave of exhaustion washed over him, reminding him of the toll his pregnancy was taking on his body.

Outside the building, Giovanni leaned against the wall, taking a moment to collect himself. He couldn't shake the feeling of rejection that lingered in his chest. Was this a sign of things to come? Would their relationship always be met with obstacles and barriers?

As Giovanni stood outside the building, Diablo's unexpected appearance brought both comfort and concern.

"Giovanni, what are you doing here?" Diablo's warm voice cut through Giovanni's troubled thoughts, momentarily easing his distress.

"I wanted to bring you lunch," Giovanni confessed, his vulnerability evident in his tone. "I thought it would be a nice surprise."

Diablo's understanding gaze softened, his hand reaching out to grasp Giovanni's. "Thank you, love. That's incredibly sweet of you, but that still doesn't explain why you are out here. They should've let you in," he said, his voice tinged with frustration.

Giovanni recounted his encounter with the receptionist, explaining how he had been turned away despite identifying himself as Diablo's fiancé.

"Baby, first off, we take walk-ins all the time, so she lied. And did you tell her who you were when you approached the desk?" Diablo's anger simmered beneath his words.

"Yes, I said I was your fiancé and my name was Giovanni. But why does that matter?" Giovanni asked, puzzled by Diablo's insistence.

"It matters," Diablo replied sharply, causing Giovanni to flinch. "Everyone in this company should know who you are by now, especially the front desk workers. I've made numerous announcements precisely to prevent something like this from happening."

With determination, Diablo led Giovanni back inside, ready to confront the receptionist and ensure that such misunderstandings would not occur again.

"Mr.Melendez Hello sir," the receptionist said.  Looking behind him to see Giovanni she yells out in a harsh tone.

"Sir, as I told you earlier, you need an appointment. Please leave or I will have you walked out by security"

Diablo's jaw tightened at the receptionist's dismissive tone. Stepping forward, he addressed her with controlled anger.

"Ms. Johnson," he began, his voice firm, "this is Giovanni, my fiancé. He shouldn't need an appointment to see me, especially considering the circumstances."

Giovanni's presence beside him served as a tangible reminder of the truth, prompting Ms. Johnson's expression to falter slightly as realization dawned.

"I apologize, Mr. Melendez," she stammered, her tone softer now, "I wasn't aware... Please, come in."

“It's no way you weren't aware. Plenty of emails and announcements were made so I'm confused. and what you said about that We don't do personal calls here without an appointment. When we do so it's to my assumption that you knew exactly who this was and decide to act fucking dumb. I mean jump in when you feel what I'm saying is wrong.” Diablo said in a cold voice. Pheromones shooting through with the scent of anger all threw out.

Ms. Johnson shifted uncomfortably under Diablo's penetrating gaze, her earlier bravado crumbling in the face of his righteous anger.

Diablo's words cut through the air like a blade, his frustration palpable. "It's not like this is the first time Giovanni has visited me here, and the other receptionist had no problem following orders” he continued, his voice cold and clipped. "And for you to treat him with such disrespect is completely unacceptable."

Giovanni stood by Diablo's side, silently grateful for his mate's unwavering support. He felt a surge of pride and admiration for Diablo's willingness to stand up for him, even in the face of confrontation.

"I assure you, Mr. Melendez, it won't happen again," Ms. Johnson replied hastily, her tone contrite. "I apologize for the oversight."

Diablo's expression softened slightly, though the tension in his frame remained palpable. "Oh you are right it won't happen again. You're fired,” he said firmly, his gaze unwavering. "Now, if you'll excuse us, Giovanni and I have some lunch to enjoy."

With a curt nod, Diablo led Giovanni past the reception desk and into the heart of the building, leaving Ms. Johnson to find her way out of the building.

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