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Giavanni woke up feeling a wave of nausea wash over him, his head pounding and his body aching. The room spun around him as he struggled to sit up, his heart racing with confusion. What on earth was happening to him?

The realization hit him like a ton of bricks when he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. His usually chiseled features seemed softer, gentler somehow. His hand instinctively went to his stomach, and he gasped at the slight swell he felt beneath his fingertips. It couldn't be possible... could it? It was only one night. As panic and disbelief swirled within him, Giavonni's mind raced, desperately trying to make sense of this.

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door, and his best friend, Emilia, cautiously entered. Concern immediately clouded her face as she took in Giavonni's bewildered expression and the way he clutched his stomach protectively.

"What's wrong, Gio? You look like you've seen a ghost," Emilia said, her voice filled with worry.

Giavonni took a deep breath, gathering the strength to share his astonishing discovery with his closest confidante. "Emilia, I need you to get my mom"

Emilia's eyes widened at the tone of his voice. But being the loyal friend she was, she composed herself and stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Giavonni's trembling shoulder telling him everything would be fine. Not sure what was happening she quickly ran out to get his mom. She took a deep breath, reminding herself to stay composed and supportive, and walked back in with Luna.

With a steadying hand, Emilia reached out and gently placed it on Giovanni's trembling shoulder. She felt the tremors coursing through his body, a reflection of the overwhelming emotions he must be experiencing. "It's okay" she whispered, her voice filled with empathy and concern. "We'll get through this. Everything will be fine."

Giovanni's mother, a pillar of strength and wisdom, joined them in the room. His calm presence offered a sense of stability amidst the chaos that threatened to consume them. He spoke with a serenity that belied the gravity of the situation. "Before we jump to assumptions, I think it would be best if we went to the clinic down the street to confirm anything before we make any moves."

Emilia nodded, grateful for the practicality and level-headedness of Giovanni's mother. She turned to her friend, searching his eyes for any signs of clarity or understanding. "Wait, what's going on, though?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity and worry. She needed to understand the full extent of the situation to provide Giovanni with the support he needed.

His gaze met hers, a mix of fear, confusion, and vulnerability swimming in his eyes. "I think... I think I'm pregnant," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. The air hung heavy with the weight of this revelation, both shocking and awe-inspiring in its own right.

"Gio," Emilia said, her voice filled with determination. "We'll figure this out together. We'll find answers, explore all the options available, and face whatever challenges come our way. You're not alone in this."

Giovanni's trembling form found solace in her words, a flicker of hope igniting in his eyes. He nodded, his gratitude evident in the way his lips curved into a small, fragile smile. At that moment, Emilia knew that their bond would be tested like never before, but she was prepared to stand by Giovanni's side.

The air in the waiting room was heavy with tension as Emilia and Giovanni took their seats, their minds consumed by worry and anticipation. The silence between them spoke volumes, each lost in their thoughts, contemplating the possibilities that lay ahead.

Emilia's gaze wandered around the room, observing the diverse array of individuals sharing this collective experience. Some wore expressions of determination, while others appeared fearful, their eyes darting nervously. It was a reminder that they were not alone in this journey, and that countless others had faced similar uncertainties.

After what felt like an eternity, Gee's name was called, and Emilia's heart skipped a beat. She squeezed Giovanni's hand reassuringly as he rose from his seat, ready to face whatever awaited him behind the doors that led to the examination rooms.

Upon his entrance to the private space, a wave of anticipation washed over him. The sterile scent of the room mingled with his anxious breaths, creating an atmosphere that was both clinical and charged with emotion.

A gentle knock on the door interrupted his thoughts as a doctor entered. Her warm smile and soothing voice helped to ease their nerves, even if just a little. "Hello, my name is Nurse Martinez. I'll be assisting the doctor during your examination today. Please make yourself comfortable."

Giovanni nodded nervously. He followed Nurse Martinez's instructions, ensuring that he was settled in the room before the doctor arrived. The silence returned.

A few moments later, the door creaked open once more, and a middle-aged doctor with a kind demeanor entered the room. His eyes held a mix of empathy and professionalism, a reassuring combination that instantly put Emilia at ease. "Good afternoon. My name is Dr. Rodriguez. I understand you're here for a confirmation examination."

Giovanni's voice wavered slightly as he responded, "Yes, that's correct."

Dr. Rodriguez nodded understandingly. "Alright, let's get started then. I'll need you to lie down on the examination table, Giovanni, and we'll proceed with some routine tests to determine the nature of your symptoms."

As the examination progressed, Giovanni's mind buzzed with a mix of curiosity and concern. He listened intently to the doctor's explanations, absorbing every word, eager to understand the intricacies of the situation. Dr. Rodriguez's calm and thorough approach provided a sense of reassurance, even if the uncertainty still loomed.

Once the examination was complete, Dr. Rodriguez offered comforting words and a promise to deliver the results as soon as possible.

As he left the examination room, Emilia and Giovanni exchanged a knowing glance. They had taken the first step towards finding out if he was truly pregnant.

With newfound determination, they walked out of the clinic, with an envelope that held the results inside.

Waiting outside in the car was his mother.

"so?" He questioned

"You open it, momma," Giovanni said handing the envelope to his mother.

Reading it to himself first he looked up and smiled. "Congratulations Von. You are expecting"

"Oh my God. I'm going to have a baby I'm going to be a mom"

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