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The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting an ethereal glow over the clandestine gathering of Diablo, his father, and their loyal men. A month and two weeks had passed since their fateful meeting, and now, the time for retribution had arrived. The Johannesburg clan, oblivious to the storm brewing in their wake, would soon face the consequences of their wicked deeds.

Diablo's eyes glinted with a mix of anticipation and resolve, his mind focused on the task at hand. He had spent countless sleepless nights meticulously planning every step of their revenge, ensuring that not a single detail was overlooked. Hoping to get his mind off his missing omega. His omega had been gone for far to long. The betrayal they had endured would not go unanswered, and tonight, justice would be served.

His father, a pillar of wisdom and strength, stood by his side, his presence commanding respect and unwavering loyalty. The men surrounding them, battle-hardened and united in their cause, shared an unspoken understanding. They were a force to be reckoned with, fueled by
fury and a thirst for blood.

Silently, they moved through the shadows, their steps graceful and purposeful. Each member of their group had a role to play, a vital piece in the intricate puzzle of vengeance. The Johannesburg clan had underestimated the magnitude of the storm they had unleashed, for the night would be witness to their downfall.

As they reached the outskirts of the Johannesburg family stronghold, Diablo's heart pounded with a mix of determination and blood lust. The time for words had long passed, replaced now by the language of retribution. With a silent signal, their men sprung into action, moving swiftly and silently like phantoms in the night.

The estate, once a symbol of opulence and power, now lay shrouded in darkness. Diablo and his father led the charge, their movements graceful yet lethal. They encountered resistance along the way, but their years of training and unwavering resolve proved to be an impenetrable shield against the feeble attempts to stop them.

Room by room, they advanced, leaving no corner untouched. The Johannesburg clan, now awake to the danger that loomed over them, fought back with desperation. But Diablo and his father, fueled by the fire of betrayal and guided by the light of justice, pressed on. Their men, too, fought with unwavering loyalty, their determination as unyielding as the steel in their hands.

Finally, they reached the heart of the estate, where the Johannesburg family, trembling with fear and regret, awaited their fate. Diablo's eyes locked with those of the man who had orchestrated their downfall, the patriarch of the clan. At that moment, time seemed to stand still, the weight of their shared history hanging heavy in the air.

"You thought you could break us," Diablo's voice boomed, resonating with a mix of anger and triumph. "But tonight, your reign of greed and treachery ends. The darkness you have sown against me will now consume you."

His father, his rock and guiding force, stepped forward, his voice filled with quiet resolve. "We offer you a chance to atone for your sins. Surrender now, and perhaps redemption may find you."

The Johannesburg patriarch, his face lined with regret and fear, hesitated for a moment before attempting to reach the gun on his dresser this angered Diablo how dare he think that he could raise a weapon against his father?

Shooting him in the leg the most diabolical laugh tangled out from Diablo's mouth growl of anger present.

"Father please step out and send Brock in with my briefcase."

"My son please.."

"Dad please" He all but begged

" Okay," Logi Diablo's father said walking out of the room

"Here boss, did you need anything else ?" Brock said to Diablo.

"Yes, I'm gonna need you to prepare a clean-up team and someone to burn this fucking house to the ground.

Brock's eyes widened, his surprise mirrored by the rest of the team who had overheard the conversation through the open door. He had always known Diablo to be ruthless, but this request felt different. Burning down a house was a drastic measure, even for him. But for some odd reason Brock didn't feel conflicted he immediately thought of who he could call.

As the team exchanged bewildered glances, Diablo continued, his voice laced with an unsettling calmness. "Make sure that nothing, absolutely nothing, is left behind. I want this place wiped off the face of the earth. No traces, no evidence. Understand?"

Brock nodded, "Yes, boss. Consider it done. I'll assemble the best cleanup crew we have and ensure that not even a single strand of hair is left untouched."

Diablo's eyes bore into Brock's, a chilling intensity emanating from his gaze. "Good. And remember, Brock, this isn't just about erasing a physical location. It's about sending a message. No one crosses me and gets away with it."

Brock nodded again, the weight of his boss's words settling heavily on his shoulders. Diablo's reputation as a formidable force in the criminal underworld was well-known, but this act of destruction felt like a turning point, Something that would let all others compete with him so that he would always come out on top.

As the cleanup crew meticulously executed their task, eradicating any trace of the once-standing structure. The eerie silence that enveloped the charred remains of the house seemed to hold the very existence of anyone in close relationships with Johannesburg, something Diablo was determined to bury along with the ashes.

Diablo felt a sense of closure wash over him as if the destruction of the physical space could somehow erase the memories.

With this problem eradicated, he could finally focus on the more important task of finding and reconnecting with his mate. Picking up his phone, Diablo dialed his mother's number, his fingers trembling with a mix of anticipation and fear. As his mother's voice filled his ears, Diablo mustered the courage to explain his newfound knowledge of Giavonni's whereabouts. He knew that his mother, too, had been worried for her son's health for a prolonged time away from your mate after you found them could cause health problems.

"Sé dónde está Giavonni, mamá.(I know where Giavonni is, Mom,)" Diablo said, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

"Pero tengo miedo de ir a verlo. Me preocupa que las heridas del pasado resurjan y él vuelva a escapar. Si lo que dijiste es cierto y él solo tenía miedo, ¿qué pasaría si...?(But I'm scared to go see him. I'm afraid that the wounds of the past will resurface, and he'll run away again. If what you said was true and that he was just scared what if) " Before he could finish his mom cuts him off.

"¿Qué te parece si voy a verlo, hijo? Entiendo por qué huyó. Por favor, permíteme visitarlo a él y a su madre.(What do you think if I go see him, son? I understand why he ran away. Please allow me to visit him and his mother)."

"Mamá, por supuesto que eso es justo lo que se necesita, gracias. Te enviaré toda la información. Te quiero mamá. Por favor, tráemelo de vuelta a mí.(Mama of course that's just what's needed thank you. I will send you all the information. I Love you mom. please bring him back to me)."

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