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To say thank you for 1k reads in only 2 days of publishing this story, here's chapters 3 and 4!

My heart is so full. I love you all <3


Saturday 11th June, 2022

"I've just woken you up, haven't I?"

It's almost six p.m, but what I've learned about Mickayla since meeting her nearly a month ago and getting to know her even more these last almost two weeks is that the girl can sleep. Night and day don't mean shit to her. If her head hits any surface, she's out for the count.

The sound of a sleepy giggle tickles my eardrums, my AirPods tight in my ear as I walk towards Jin Kichi while talking to her through them, "What makes you think that, Jagger?"

"Because you sound exactly how you did when I called you to make sure your arse was up in time for the fertility appointment." I muse.

I hear her stretch and yawn, and I can't help but chuckle, "I didn't end up late though, did I?"

"No, 'cause I called you." I laugh, a sound she mimics, "You almost ready, sleepyhead?"

"I already am. Got dressed and then just had myself a 'lil disco nap so that I'm on full form for meeting the Styles Sunshines. Once I've found my shoes, I'll be there in two shakes of a lamb tail."

I grin and feel my face heat, nerves in my stomach about the meet-up settling a tad, "Alrighty, I'll be there in two mins. I'll wait for you outside. Mum and Gem are already in."

The call ends, Van Morrison's album Blowin' Your Mind that I'd had on before ringing Mickayla continuing to play on shuffle as I walk the rest of the journey. I cross the final road, Jin Kichi opposite me now with Micki's flat just above the restaurant, and come to a stop outside the building to lean against the wall and fiddle with my rings anxiously as I wait for her.

Life has been hectic in the best possible way the past almost fortnight, but nervousness has been a common emotion that I've felt almost every day for some reason or another. Today is no exception.

Even though I've seen Mickayla three times and talked to her over text or through phone calls on multiple occasions since the day beneath the wonky willow tree, the day she changed my life forever, I still feel anxious for what's about to happen. She's about to meet my Mum and sister, and they're about to find out that they're going to shortly become a grandmother and auntie. They're about to meet my new friend and the soon-to-be surrogate of my baby.

Mickayla isn't pregnant, but the IUI procedure is booked to happen in two weeks, so she will be in the near future if all goes successfully. I wanted to wait until our fertility checks had come back all clear and the insemination date was planned before telling my family in person, both things which have now happened and the reason we're meeting for a meal.

After the news that Mickayla had agreed to be my surrogate had settled a fraction, even though I'm still not over and never will be, we talked a little more in depth about next steps.

We'd already agreed to go the IUI route, but it was confirmed once again after I'd asked Mickayla half a dozen more times if she was absolutely sure, and she told me half a dozen more times herself that yes, she was. There were no doubts about that, about any of it, so that was that settled. My sperm, her eggs, my baby.

I really appreciated Mickayla for quashing my concerns about her potentially wanting to fight for custody, full or joint, after the baby was born. She understands that I want to be a single parent, and she's absolutely okay with that. It's something she wants, too. She doesn't want to be a parent herself.

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