14 | STILL

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Trigger warning: Mentions of emotional, alcohol and drug abuse.

French translations in comments as always x


Thursday 10th November, 2022

"Lie still, Jagger. I can't paint you accurately if you're moving around so much."

Sprawled out in my bed that he's slept in every night for the last two weeks, I'm sent a sleepy smirk from where I stand at my easel; an expression that sends sparks running all over my body and straight to my nether regions.

"Hardly seems fair to be bossed around for something I haven't actually agreed to, 'specially when I've just woken up."

"I'm cooking your kid and I've got the aches, cramps and never ending need to pee to prove it. You'll do as you're told. Capiche?"

Harry huffs a sigh and fights a smile, "Whatever you say, mama."

The mama nickname is something that Pauli started calling me a few days ago when my bump officially popped, and Harry's just sort of picked it up, too; as well as growing more touchy-feely with my belly after asking for and being given my permission to do so. I'm not a mama, nor do I intend on ever being one, but it's harmless fun.

There's also something about the way Harry says it that makes me feel all gooey, too.

Since telling our loved ones all about Baby Riot, a nickname that Harry has coined for his kid while I remain firm on Little Sun, everyone has been unbelievably happy as well as overly attentive with me. Life has been feeling sweeter than ever, but I'm getting a little bit tired of being run around after. I like looking after myself. Always have. Always will.

I say that, however I'm still yet to kick Harry out of my home. In fact, I was the one that asked him to stay past the week-long deadline he set out. He's still here; practically living with me.

It just feels right having Harry around all of the time. His toothbrush is next to mine in the holder, his Vans out in the hallway next to my Dr. Martens, his clothes hung up next to mine in my wardrobe. He's paid money towards utilities despite how much Pauli, Elin and I protested against it, and he's even had parcels delivered here, too.

Harry also no longer sleeps on the couch. He's been snoozing next to me for a fortnight, spooning me as I spoon my pillow. It's gone no further than that and it won't, although my current high libido wishes differently.

I've resorted to long showers to sort that problem out, though.

The reason that I'm awake before him for once is because as of a few days ago, my morning sickness stopped. I haven't thrown up since Monday, thank God, which means that I get to sleep undisturbed by vomiting for a little longer. It also means that Harry doesn't have to wake up earlier than he normally does to hold my hair back and soothe me through it.

With all that he's done for me recently in mind, last night I told him to turn off his actual alarm clock. He doesn't have to be at the studio today after taking the day off for what we're booked in for later, so he had the opportunity to have a very much deserved lie-in.

"If you're awake by nine a.m, I won't speak to you for a week." I threatened once I'd settled into bed and looked at Harry about to join me.

He cackled as he pulled off his hoodie and t-shirt in one motion, leaving himself in nothing but his grey sweatpants. Week one, Harry slept with a hoodie on. Week two, it came off and he slept in sweats and shirts. As of last night, the t-shirt has been cast aside, too.

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