27 | GLOW

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French translations are in the comments x


Monday 15th May, 2023

"I've had an idea."

Mickayla turns away from the piece she's painting and gives me a smirk, "That sounds painful. How're your two brain cells coping after that?"

I'm quick to flip her off with a deadpan expression, pushing myself off the kitchen door frame to walk inside the room. I got sidetracked with watching her work hence the initial pause, but Sir Duke meowing at my feet to be picked up brought me out of the daze and reminded me of my plan.

With him in my arms, I pass him to Micki motioning for our son with grabby hands. She presses a series of kisses to the top of his head, earning purrs while scratching behind his ear; his butt resting on her bare bump that looks fit to pop.

Stevie Soleil is due to join us earthside in two days. We're both excited for that, but Mickayla more so given how much she's been struggling with symptoms the last week.

You wouldn't think so, though. Being the absolute warrior that she is, Micki has barely complained, but I know she's been suffering.

Insomnia has finally reared its ugly head. Mickayla can usually sleep for England, but I think she's gotten a grand total of eight hours over the last four nights thanks to general pelvic discomfort and the constant need to pee. Her pregnancy pillow isn't helping much, yet she'll still snuggle it.

I'm of no use either, despite doing all I can. I lift her bump to relieve some of the pain there or I'll make sure she's got her belly band on if I have to nip out for a bit, but she's still tender. There's also only so much lavender oil, white noise, meditation and chamomile tea a person can smell, listen to, do and drink.

Her poor ankles and feet have been beyond swollen, too. We've argued several times over the swelling situation because I'm forever telling Micki to rest around the house, and she's forever doing the opposite.

We came to a compromise: I shut up and let her get on with it. I rub both areas and bump with lotions twice a day as well as running her stubborn ass a bubble bath regardless; too caught up in caring for ma chérie to not.

I haven't left her alone much, or if I have I haven't been gone for long. She joined me for my swimming sessions at the Heath on both Sundays, something she was insistent on me doing after I told her I was happy to forgo them.

"Get your kit off and get in the water, Harry." Micki grinned, "Give your girl the glorious sight of that body all wet."

When I've had to go into the studio, I brought Mickayla with me on every occasion. She'd sit on the leather sofa and read as I worked, one hand flipping the pages of her book that was propped against bump while the other fed herself snacks the were resting on top of it.

Our loved ones have come to ours for a couple of visits. Mum brought an apple pie that she baked, which Micki devoured two thirds of during one of our TV show binge sessions. Bella, along with Sarah and Mitch, came with drawings for Stevie that are now framed in her nursery. Pauli and Gemma had gossip in the form of more failed dates. Elin and Ariza filled us in on the happenings of their new living situation.

Every person came into our home wearing a smile, the expression remaining throughout until they left. The excitement for the baby's birth was, and still is, felt by all.

There was a slight bit of panic last week, though. Mickayla was struggling to breathe when walking around, but Baby Riot dropping into her lower pelvis has taken some of the pressure off her internal organs so she's now managing better. Dr. Anderson ran a check-up when we met with her and midwife Josie to talk through the birth plan, finding everything to be a-okay.

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