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If you didn't read my updated Author's Note that I posted on Friday, please check out the summarised version below before proceeding with the story. There's been some changes made to it that you need to know!

I messed up the pregnancy timeline a little bit. Basically, I had Micki a week or two less pregnant than she should have been with her due date being in June. That has since been corrected and changed through every chapter that mentions it. Her due date has also been added into chapter 18 (it's May 17th) and as of chapter 19, she's 23 weeks pregnant (almost 6 months).

I have taken out the French food references that Harry used for the baby's growth because of the mistake mentioned above.

The birth flower baby name conversation before finding out Micki was pregnant has also been changed. When I wrote Baby Riot being born in May, the birth flower names Harry chose were Honeysuckle and Rose. They've been changed to Lily of the Valley and Common Hawthorn. The joke Micki made about those names being ridiculous still stands. I personally think it's funnier now lmao. As for Baby Riot's actual name, you'll learn that soon!

A few nicknames have been edited. Mini Riot Girl is now just Baby Riot. Micki Darling is now either just darling or Micki Love (this is what happens when you don't take notes as you go!)

Back in chapter 2, Harry hinted towards the existence of the song Fine Line when he gave Micki help with the 'Devotion' prompt for the painting she named Sunshine Boy. I wrote in vaguely that Micki has listened to the song, but have since taken that detail out for a certain reason...

Micki is now Sarah's maid of honour, not a bridesmaid.

I no longer know how many chapters are left of ISL and have changed the introduction chapter to match this message. It's still a short-ish story. I'm also unsure as to whether there'll be any epilogues, too. I'll let you know when I do, and I'll also let you know when the story is coming to its end.

So yeah, that's all the edits! Again, so sorry about the mistakes made with the pregnancy, but hopefully all is now clear and you're cool to proceed with the rest of the story. I know I am!

Now buckle in. She's an extra long one because I missed you all soooooo much!

It's wedding time.


Friday 20th January, 2023

If for some reason there's only one piece of advice that I can ever give to my daughter, it'll be to tell her not to get on her mother's bad side.

What I've come to learn — and what she'll need to learn to — is that Mickayla will forgive you for whatever it is that you've done wrong, but she sure as shit won't forget. She won't let you forget it, either; even if you're trying your bloody best.

The day after the second scan where we saw our baby girl again was when Micki's grudge journey truly began. I thought it had already started, but nope. The fun for her really kicked into gear when she invited me over for a cup of tea and to discuss some ideas she had for the mural.

I of course jumped at the chance to see riot girl again, barely hanging up the phone call that we were on together where she asked me the question before I was rushing out of the door and running to hers. I could've driven and would've been there a hell of a lot quicker, but I wasn't taking any chances with potential traffic slowing me down or a possible accident happening from driving too fast.

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