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French translations in comments as usual!


Wednesday 24th November, 2022

I can't remember the last time I was this angry. I'm not sure if I have any real right to be, but I truthfully don't give a fuck. Instead, I'm mere moments away from cutting Cillian from The Pink Label if he doesn't back the fuck away from and quit flirting with Mickayla.

It's early evening and I stopped by the studio to work on a few things for his upcoming album. Micki is with me as we finally went shopping for some new clothes for her; clothes I won the argument in paying for despite her protests.

After the scan almost two weeks ago, she was exhausted from all of the emotions that she'd gone through that day and needed a nap instead, so a nap is what she got. I napped, too; the pair of us cuddled up together once again.

There hasn't been a moment between then and today for us to go on that shopping trip because of life getting in the way. We haven't seen each other that much despite still living under the same roof aside from having breakfast and dinner together, watching a couple of movies here and there, and then sleeping in the same bed. Work for me soon got chaotic again, and work for Micki remained chaotic.

She's also spent a lot of her free time with Sarah to help plan the final details of her wedding, which is now fully organised, and with my Mum at her place. My dear mother has taken on the role of cooking Mickayla's favourite meals from scratch while teaching her how to do it. Micki's becoming quite the chef now; her veggie lasagne is to die for.

The pair of them have grown really close since we announced the pregnancy, even more so these last two weeks. My Mum dotes on that girl as much as she's doted on by her, and it's fast become a favourite thing of mine to know it's happening.

What isn't a favourite is the way Cillian grins at Micki, who's currently lying on the sofa in the studio eating from a bag of fizzy watermelon jelly sweets - her latest fixation - that rests on bump. Her fuzzy sock-covered feet tap along to the beat of one of Cillian's songs; one he's playing in a desperate bid to impress her.

He's conveniently left out the information that I've done a lot of tweaking to make his generic voice and his basic guitar-playing sound a lot better than they normally do, though...

As much as I want to, I can't kick off over something like this. For one, it's not in my nature and would make me look like a right dickhead. Secondly, Mickayla is single therefore is allowed to be flirted with. He's not doing anything wrong, and neither is she.

And the flirtiness happening is actually my own fault. I'm the one that told him after he asked that Micki and I are just friends and she's my surrogate; that we aren't together. I guess he saw that as some green light to crack on with her.

Mickayla is so much more than just my friend, though. Mickayla is definitely not only a surrogate to me. Mickayla is someone that I want to be together with more than anything.

I suppose her not flirting back does make this slightly easier on me. I know how she flirts, because she does it with me every damn day.

Her eyes light up in a cheeky way; smile, too. She's touchy-feely, giggly and sassy. In the hour that I've endured the torture that is Cillian hitting on Micki, he's yet to receive any of those things.

Little victories, I suppose.

"Boss?" Cillian's Irish accent comes into focus, and I zone back into the present moment to find him looking at me with a scrunched up brow, "You good?"

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