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This is part 2 of a double update.
French translations in the comments x


Sunday 30th April, 2023

"Well that was a complete waste of time and money." I huff under Harry's arm as we saunter away from the lamaze class we just spent an hour at, "Eighty-quid to teach me how to breathe. Ridiculous."

Harry laughs loudly, my attention on his head thrown back and dimples popping. If he wasn't wearing his sunnies, I'd be able to see his eyes crinkle all cutely.

"I'm so serious, Jagger." I can't help but chuckle as well, even if I am annoyed, "No more baby classes. All they've taught us is things we already know from the books, and things we could find out by watching a YouTube tutorial or something. They've all been practically pointless, aside from the first aid one last week."

"But you had so much fun putting nappies on the practice dolls." He teases while grinning amusedly, "Watching you and that blonde lady enter an unspoken race to see who could do it the best and quickest was brilliant, too."

"Ugh, do not talk to me about that cow." I grumble, the mention of my new archnemesis pissing me off even more. I'm quick to screw my face up, "Hi, my name's Claire. I'm vegan and I'm judging all of you fuckers that aren't. My carbon footprint is practically zero, and I'll be eating my placenta, too." I blow a raspberry sound as Harry laughs at my impression, "Surely there's a contradiction in being a vegan and eating your placenta, right?"

He chuckles and nods, "I'm with you on that one, babe. I'm also with you on going to no more classes. Dr. A suggested we try them out, which we have done, so that's that. We're pretty much prepared now. Just need to see her next week to talk through the birth plan a little more with her and the midwife, and then we're golden."

Harry agreeing with me comes as no surprise. I know he isn't just doing such a thing to make me happy, but because he truly does agree with me.

I've voiced my concern about that sort of thing before, which he's quashed. I have nothing to worry about. We both just so happen to want the same things.

Tipping my head back a little, I give him a kiss and a smile, "We're golden, that's right. Thank you, sunshine boy."

"Anytime, riot girl."

"So what's our plans now?" I ask, the pair of us coming up to the main shopping area of Hampstead. The sun is shining and the weather is warm. Spring is in full swing with summer on the horizon, and everything looks so pretty, "Wanna get some picnic food and head back to the Heath?"

We spent the morning there, with our Sunday habit of going for a swim at the ponds now back thanks to the season. Well, Harry went for a swim. I sat cross-legged on the edge; both of us a little wary about me going in in case of any bacteria that could be bad for the baby.

I didn't mind sitting on the sidelines at all. How could I complain watching his buff and beautiful body cut through the water before coming out of it glistening like a God?

Harry gives me a grin and a shake of his head, "I was thinking we do something else."

"Music session?"

While swimming at the Heath is an old and now revisited tradition of ours, music sessions in the Styles-Addams household is a new one.

It's something that began four weeks ago when I found out that Harry could actually sing, and it's continued on over the last almost month. I've asked him to serenade me with a song almost every day since, which he's happily obliged, but he hasn't just used his voice as an instrument.

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