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I'd love to be able to say that this will be short and sweet, but you should know by ISL's chapter lengths that I have a hard time writing very little lmao.

Where to begin...

What started out as a tiny idea about Harry being an adorable girl dad transpired into me creating this whole little world full of characters that I absolutely adore. Writing this story came with a couple spells of writer's block (as you might remember from the gaps between updates — very sorry again), but for the most part it felt as easy as breathing. I guess that's what happens when you're writing something you truly love.

What I didn't expect was for ISL to be so loved so quickly (or maybe even at all). Yet it took off so fast, and reading over the author's notes I left in the beginning chapters thanking you all for thousands of reads within days/a couple of weeks of beginning the tale is truly staggering.

Mickayla and Harry as individuals and a couple have been an absolute joy to journey with. I know they're fictional (I'm not that delusional), yet I'm so attached. And to see that that attachment has extended to others, I'm just beyond happy.

ISL has brought me so many new friends — some of whom I consider to be very close ones of mine. I'd like to take a minute to thank some of them right now.

To Hannah: ISL didn't bring us together, but it sure as hell made us closer. You've been one of my biggest supporters and closest friends for almost two years now, and I truly am so blessed to know and love you. Thank you for putting up with my chaos, and for encouraging it. I'll be sure to continue encouraging yours, too (check out Hannah's incredible work here — someonenwe !) I can't wait to squeeze you one day. Love you so much.

To Kels: Without ISL, there'd be no us. The excitement and love you've shown for this story is crazy in the best possible way. If I ever had doubts about finishing it (I didn't), I would have done it just for you. You love Micki as much as I do, and I know you'll forever be on her team. Just know I'll forever be on yours. Thank you, ily.

To Leigh: My favourite writer and one of my favourite people (if you haven't read Leigh's work, do it now — heartatease !) How alike we are scares me every damn day in the best kind of way, and that's something I wouldn't have figured out if you didn't come into my life as one of the best and most beautiful cheerleaders. I'm so insanely grateful for all of your support, your kind words, and your friendship. Love you, love you, love you.

To Lexie: Lexie love — the first oomf I became truly close with all thanks to a combination of Dirty Dancing and Harry Styles lmao. The first one I've gotten to meet twice and hug lots! I already can't wait to do both things again a million more times. Thank you for your help with the medical moments in ISL (I hope I did you proud lmao), for sticking by me when I'm being a pain in the ass that won't stop coming up with new story ideas that end up going nowhere, and for being a light in my life that I really needed, but didn't think I'd find. You're a godsend. Goochi soot forever. I love you so much <3

To every single one of you that's read ISL whether it be a sentence, a paragraph, a chapter or the whole story: thank you. For giving me your time, for sending me love, for showing that love for the story, it truly has meant the world to me. I'm sending all of that love right back your way.

And I'm also giving you this as a gift of my gratitude. I hope you like it <3

Did you really think I was gonna give you a pregnancy story with the best parents-to-be without following that up with a sequel? Baby Riot has got some living up to her name to do, and Micki and Harry have a whole journey ahead of them to go!

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Did you really think I was gonna give you a pregnancy story with the best parents-to-be without following that up with a sequel? Baby Riot has got some living up to her name to do, and Micki and Harry have a whole journey ahead of them to go!

More details coming Wednesday 27th March.
Keep your eyes peeled for the notif!

Thank you. I love you universe much.
Nina x

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